"The Goblin Lands..."
"The black raven of the west..."
"Into the Shadowlands..."
"North of the Dullwood lie the spires of Celene..."
The most glorious of all the wonders of the world, the holy mountain stands tall, providing a watchful vigil for the people of Hariel Majour, and Gothenya at large.
"The Deep Guardian of Celene..."
"The frozen fires of the Abyss..."
"The dark, mutant forest of Celene..."
"The Twins"
"Homeland of the elves..."
"The Heartlands, including The Thaw and The Sunlit Vale..."
"The Unconquered Lands..."
"Land of Magic and Mystery..."
"The Royal Lands of Wyeth..."
"Haven of the Grey Pith..."
"The Divine Lords of the East..."
"Lair of the Deep One..."
"The Floating City..."
"Isle of the Living..."
"The land between..."
"The frozen frontier..."
"What lies beneath..."
"The Wizard Nation of Varuum"
"Anvil of the Gods"
"The Sovereign Kingdom of Wyeth"
"The frozen north of Golthien..."