Zul Garahn Organization in Gran Lorien | World Anvil
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Zul Garahn

Zul Garahn is the southernmost country on Eldranore. It shares borders with both Averlyn and Lyrethia. Where the two countries start to grow rocky and dry, is where Zul Garahn begins. The northernmost area of Zul Garahn is filled with rocky mesas, but as you travel south it flattens out into savannah. Before long, you’ll reach the vast Im’hara Desert. This sandy wasteland covers most of Zul Garahn, and cuts off land travel from the northern countries to Zul Garahn’s capital city, the gem shining in the desert, Al Zahar.


The culture of Zul Garahn is rather varied. Zul Garahn's population is mainly the race of cat people, the Nyan'hari. The Nyan'hari have their own set of cultural norms separate from the race of Man. The desert heat attracts a large variety of other races as well, and it is far more common for one to find Aarokocra, Loxodon, Yuan-ti and Genasi in Zul Garahn than you would in a country like Averlyn.       Garahni Cuisine   Garahni cuisine makes use of the large variety of spices that pass through the desert city of Al Zahar. The heavy trade that occurs in the city ensures that the assortment of meals that can be cooked are always unique and everchanging. This is a quality of pride for the Nyan'hari that call Al Zahar home, as they value their culinary pursuits quite highly, even going as far as to name their children after their favourite foods.     Dohara   A specialty of Al Zahar, and known by most who frequent the taverns there. An incredibly potent spirit distilled from a certain cactus found out in the Im’hara. Most outlanders who haven’t experienced it before have a hard time drinking it without coughing.   Jalapa   A fruit brandy spiced with hot pepper. An expensive delicacy served in the fine restaurants of Al Zahar, such as the Debonair.   Palm Merahrah   A flatbread made from finely ground flour and wrapped in palm leaves for storage. Often served alongside strips of crispy eel.   Garahni Omelette   A thick and fluffy layer of fried Axebeak egg wrapped around sauteed onions, cheese and strips of scorpion bacon. Cooked in massive frying pans and then sliced into individual wedges to serve hot. Enjoyed as any meal of the day, not just breakfast.


The Sultanate of Zul Garahn was formed when several nomadic warring tribes of Nyan'hari put aside their differences and united with the Aarakocra and Elves to face the oncoming threat of the Yuan-ti Abominations. When what was called the Unification War ended, the united peoples settled in the southern oasis they named Al Zahar. The tribe that first united the peoples of Zul Garahn established dominance of the city and put their queen in charge, the Sultana. Centuries later, the latest in a line of Sultanas, Thessaly Zubiria, rules over Al Zahar from her perch in Chai'tani Palace.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
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