Fusil Item in Greland | World Anvil


A Fusil is one of the early types of Firearm which have gained popularity outside of The Continent of Greland.
A Fusil is a Matchlock firearm usually around four feet in length with a smoothbore barrel. It is incredibly slow to prepare with powder, musketball and sabot each needing to be loaded into the barrel with a ramrod, then the flashpan filled with powder from a horn, and finally the match inserted into the mechanism and spring-loaded into position. A pull of the trigger would then spring the match into contact with the flashpan, igniting the powder behind the musketball and propelling it forward.
The Fusil has an effective range of up to 100 feet, though it is not hugely accurate. The exposed match and powder in the flashpan are affected by wet or windy weather.
The weaknesses of the Fusil are more than made up for in the damage it causes, dealing incapacitating damage to any target hit, with little regard for armour. The sound and smell can also have an incredible effect on the enemy, especially those who make heavy use of cavalry or Minmoth.   Fusil
Name Damage Critical Range Qualities
Fusil 10 1 4/10 Inaccurate-2; Sunder-1; Disorient-2; Stun-2; Reload-8; Volley; Ranged;
  • This weapon adds bb to any Ranged Attacks made using this weapon.
  • This weapon ignores up to 10 points of Soak.
  • This weapon can spend aa on a successful melee attack to inflict +d on the target's next Skill Check.
  • This weapon can spend aa from an attack any number of times to inflict 1 Strain each time. The attack does not need to be successful to do this.
  • Before each attack with this weapon it must perform the Reload action 8 times.
  • When multiple combatants equipped with Volley weapons perform a Combined Attack, only count half that number of combatants toward the attack. Then that attack gains Vicious-(x) and Linked-(x) where (x) is half the number of participants in the attack. The attack must choose different targets for each additional attack made by its Linked quality.
  • Ranged weapons do not increase their Damage for additional s from Attack rolls. Instead treat each ss as a.
  • Ranged weapons have two Range values. Attacks made within the first range bracket are made as normal. Attacks made within the second range bracket add one b for each additional range band in addition to normal effects and the cost to trigger traits or critical hits increases by 1 for each range band. Attacks cannot be made beyond the second range bracket.

Fusils in Military Units
Only specially trained units may be equipped with Fusils.  

Potential Improvements



Story Points
Military Units
Useful Lists


Player Characters

Lady Ophelia Foxworth-Hayford
Lady Terin Gaunt-Foxworth
ser Mattheo Foxworth
Colrin Blest
King Tyon I Cray
Sigrid Ashwood
ser Allon Stormborn
ser Odric Vortane
Lord Tylan Hewlett
ser Callor Perryn
ser Ashtin Phyrefenn
The War For The Foxworth Secession 454KS

Player Settlements

The Settlement Creation System
Settlement Management Sessions
Settlement Conquest
Greater Stallken


Player Councils

Anatomy of a Ruling Council
Royal Council
The Duchal Council of House Foxworth
The Council of Southbay
The Duchal Council of House Southbay
The Council of Greater Stallken



The Continent of Greland
The Kingdom of Hillhurst
The Kingdom of Rotheval
The Kingdom of Irogonie
The Lamas Plains
The Swamps of Baycotte
The Kingdom of Somercrag
The Foxworth Duchy
The Blackbar Duchy
The Skanler Duchy
The Gaunt Duchy
The Southbay Duchy
The City of Southbay
The Hayford Duchy
The Continent of Amoth


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