Weapons in Greland
The following lists detail some common weapons throughout Greland. For the most part the cost of weapons is abstract and does not need to be tracked. A character can acquire up to three weapons and/or Shields for a single Revenue. They may alternately acquire a single weapon from a successful Settlement Check. A customised weapon will cost a point of Revenue on its own and require a successful Settlement Check.
Hammers: Hammerl; Cavalry Hammer; Warhammerv; Greathammer2;
Knives: Knifel; Daggerl; Rondell;
Maces: Light Macel; Heavy Macev; Great-Mace2;
Swords: Shortsword; Arming Sword; Rapier; Cutlass; Longswordv; Bastard Swordv; Broadsword2; Greatsword2; Falchion2;
Other: Club; Great-Clubv; Military Pick; War-Pick2; Flail; Great-Flail2; Staffv;
Spears: Lance; Shortspearv; Boar Spearv; Longspear2; Pike2;
Other: Lucerne2;
Crossbows: Light Crossbowv; Heavy Crossbow2;
Thrown: Throwing Dagger; Throwing Axe; Javelin;
Melee Weapons
Axes: Hatchetl; Handaxe; Battleaxev; Greataxe2;Hammers: Hammerl; Cavalry Hammer; Warhammerv; Greathammer2;
Knives: Knifel; Daggerl; Rondell;
Maces: Light Macel; Heavy Macev; Great-Mace2;
Swords: Shortsword; Arming Sword; Rapier; Cutlass; Longswordv; Bastard Swordv; Broadsword2; Greatsword2; Falchion2;
Other: Club; Great-Clubv; Military Pick; War-Pick2; Flail; Great-Flail2; Staffv;
Bladed Polearms: Bardiche2; Halberd2; Billhook2; Military Scythe2;Spears: Lance; Shortspearv; Boar Spearv; Longspear2; Pike2;
Other: Lucerne2;
Ranged Weapons
Bows: Shortbow2; Longbow2;Crossbows: Light Crossbowv; Heavy Crossbow2;
Thrown: Throwing Dagger; Throwing Axe; Javelin;
l: this weapon is Light, making it easier to draw and better suited for use as an off-hand weapon.
v: this weapon is Versatile and can be wielded in one or two hands.
2: this weapon requires the use of both hands at all times.
v: this weapon is Versatile and can be wielded in one or two hands.
2: this weapon requires the use of both hands at all times.