ser Laoren Strong Character in Greland | World Anvil

ser Laoren Strong

  • Minor Player Character of Zara Keene
  • Gameplay

    Soak: 4(Brawn), +2(Chain)
    Defence: +f(Half-Plate)
    Wounds: 14
    Strain: 11

    Mechanical Information


    Brawn: 4
    Agility: 2
    Intellect: 2
    Cunning: 2
    Willpower: 1
    Presence: 3


    Axe-Fighting: 3
    Knightly Skills: 1
    Weapon Maintenance: 1
    Intimidate: 2
    Hunting: 2


    Unit Strategy
    Crime in Greater Stallken
    Heraldry Somercrag
    Nautical Heraldry


    Notable Possessions

    • Battleaxe
      Name Damage Critical Range Qualities
      Battleaxe 3/4 3 Engaged Versatile; Defensive-0/1; Vicious-1/2; Slashing
      • This weapon can be wielded in one or two hands. When it is wielded in one hand it uses the Damage number before the '/', when it is wielded in two hands it uses the Damage number after the '/'. This also applies to any Qualities with a '/' in them.
      • This weapon can change between being wielded in one or two hands as part of another Manouevre or by spending a Story Point outside of the turn. This weapon can only become wielded in two hands if the second hand is empty and not crippled.
      • This weapon adds +0/d to the difficulty of any Melee Attacks that target the bearer.
      • This weapon adds +10/20 to any Critical Hits it inflicts.
      • This weapon can spend an additional a when it scores a Critical Hit to score a Slashing Critical Hit instead.

    • Half-Plate Over Chain: Provides +2 Soak and +f to Defence checks.
    • A weapon maintenance set.


    Author's Notes

    A minor player character supporting Lord Tylan Hewlett, played by Zara Keene from 454KS onward.

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