
The Carin Hills smooth into gentle green slopes as the road approaches the coastal village of Magepoint. Wide streets, plentiful greenery, and pleasant wooden buildings speak of peace and ease, yet the community buzzes with activity.   North of the village lie the dark blue waters of the Nyr Dyv, and rising from a rocky island is a pale blue castle surrounding a tower capped with a vast faceted dome that glitters like a jewel. A narrow, half-mile long stone causeway connects this tower to the coastline.


The presence of Archmage Tenser and his followers prevents most powers from looking too closely at the village.


Magepoint is an adventuring haven. Many retired explorers and adventurers call the peaceful community home. Magepoint houses many small shops well-equipped to meet the needs of the adventurers, diplomats, spies, and couriers who stream in and out of the community with surprising frequency.


Magepoint has grown considerably in recent years, its growth spurred by a combination of untapped economic potential, readily available land, and the safety that comes from living within the shadow of Tenser's power.   The Archmage's return to Magepoint ushered in a time of prosperity. The village is now caught between its small, pastoral roots, and its growing importance to the outside world.
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