Knights of the Seraphim Sword Military Formation in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Knights of the Seraphim Sword

"Sav’via decen’um ith’tanfatha."

Ready for all, yielding for none.
  The Knights of the Seraphim Sword are an order of Knights recently established using the heraldic legacy of the Order of the Dragon Phalanx. Their founding commander, Sir Wolf-Deitrich von Axewood, petitioned the King of Keoland for formal heraldic recognition and the authority to continue on the legacy of the Dragon Phalanx. Once the official recognition and authority had been granted, the founding members were recruited from elven and half-elven families of the Dreadwood. Recent elven-blooded additions from the Dreadwood have also began to prove themselves worthy of carrying the title.   Heraldic Standard:
(Once unfurled the banner will display the following symbols in order).
  1. White flag with the crest of the Kingdom of Keoland.
  2. Red Cross of the Seraphim Sword on white background.
  3. Battle Crest of the Dragon Phalanx (Dragon claw detailed in decorative artistry).
  4. Celestial rune denoting Thrasymicus in ancient celestial.



Active Roster:
  • Sir Wolf Deitrich von Axewood, Knight Commander
  • Solstice Black, Dreadwood Liason
  • Sir Rommel Hesten (Axewood), Lieutenant
  • Sir DeMolay
  • Sir DePaynes
  • Sir Tremelay
  • Sir Montbard
  • Sir Blanchefort
  • Sir Nablus
  • Sir Stamand
  • Sir Torroja
  • Sir Ridefort
  • Sir Desable
  • Sir Erail
  • Sir Deplessis
  The support staff is comprised of stewards, ferriers, stablemen, bookkeepers, and bardic lorists.   Fallen Heroes:
  • Sir Craon (Axewood) - Fell in action while confronting the undead form of Lord Egan Lassiter of Saltmarsh.
  • Sir Barres (Dreadwood) - Fell in action while confronting the undead form of Lord Egan Lassiter of Saltmarsh.
Patron Saint
Thrasymicus the Dawnbringer.   Mission
Hunt and destroy supernatural, undead, demonic, and hellish threats to the region.
  Notable Battles and Campaigns
Battle of Overwatch

Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Parent Formation


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