Order of the Dragon Phalanx Military Formation in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Order of the Dragon Phalanx

The Order of the Dragon Phalanx was an elite cadre of knights dedicated to the security of the greater Salinmoor region. They were not beholden to any single regional power or city, instead riding forth to protect all denizens of the region. They were slain to a man nearly two centuries ago and now lie entombed in the catacombs beneath Castle Overwatch.


Established in 298 CY as an independant knighthood dedicated to the security of the region, this ancient order paid the ultimate price in the service of their ideals nearly a century later when they became embroiled in a conflict against overwhelming dark forces. Faced with the rising power of the Coven of Midnight, the Order rode forth to do battle with the Wild Hunt of the Fey Lord known as the Erlking and his werewolf lieutenant Varulven.   Having crippled the Wild Hunt and incensed their enemies beyond reason, the knights lured the dark forces back to their fortress on the grounds where the current Castle Overwatch now stands, knowing that against such overwhelming numbers it would be their last stand. The battle lasted one horrific night and their once nigh-impregnable fortress was reduced to skeletal rubble. The knights were slain to a man, the last of them standing back-to-back as dawn's rose-gold razor crested the horizon and laid waste to night's dominion. The losses the knights had visited upon their enemies, however, were catastrophic, and the power of the Coven and Varulven’s horde were shattered.   In the intervening years, tales of their legendary heroism have been passed down from generation to generation among the local populace. Until recently, the location of the original fortress was believed to have been lost somewhere deep in the Salinmoor, or perhaps no more than a myth. Its recent discovery and subsequent restoration by the group know known as the Lords of Overwatch has once again renewed interest in this legendary order.

Historical loyalties

During times of dire need, it is said that they will manifest as a ghostly horde and ride forth to fight once more in service to he who bears the Armor of the Dragon Phalanx. Simply donning the armor is not enough; the wraiths of these knights must deem the wearer worthy and honorable. Any who are pretenders or who carry evil in their hearts will soon find themselves at the untender mercy of those same ghostly forces they sought to command.   This armor is currently in the possession of Sir Wolf-Deitrich von Axewood, to whom tha last Dragon Phalanx Commander also bestowed his sword and title.
298 CY
386 CY
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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