Perrenland Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Perrenland, properly known as the Concatenated Cantons of Perrenland, is a nation in the Flanaess.  


The eight cantons that form the nation of Perrenland are cradled between the Yatil Mountains and Lake Quag. Perrenland’s frontier sweeps south from the Mounds of Dawn to Krestible and the upper waters of the Velverdyva, then turns north to include the western Clatspurs and most of the Sepia Uplands north of the town of Traft. Perrenland claims the waters of Lake Quag as well, though it cannot hold the northern shore. Considerable traffic is on the lake for most of the year, though the surface often freezes in midwinter. Special sledlike boats called iceskimmers sometimes sail on the lake then, although it is dangerous to take them far from shore.   Three wide roads and numerous smaller tracks connect the cantons. From Schwartzenbruin to Krestible, then to Molvar in Ket through the Wyrm’s Tail, runs the Krestingstrek. Quag Road carries traffic through Schwartzenbruin, from as far south as Highfolk on the southern edge of the Vesve Forest, then continues north along the shores of Lake Quag until it enters the Mounds of Dawn to terminate at the city of Exag. The High Gallery runs through the Clatspur Ridge from Traft until it intersects the Quag Road, first crossing the canyon of the Velverdyva on an old stone bridge called the Witch’s Hinge.   Perrenland’s militias, mostly pikemen and polearm-bearing mountaineers, support a relatively small standing army of medium and heavy infantry. Crossbowmen and some heavy cavalry can be found in the lowland regions, especially in the canton of Schwartzenbruin, while longbowmen and bow armed cavalry can be found in the cantons of Clatspurgen and Traft. Such militias will hire themselves out as mercenary bands to neighboring nations, and many are seen to include high elves from Highfolk serving as scouts and light infantry. These bands of mercenaries are the nation’s chief export, though trade with the northern nomads and Blackmoor is usually funneled through Perrenland as well. Much river traffic heads south into the central Flanaess along the Velverdyva.  


The inhabitants of this region have always been fiercely independent. During the Migrations, the warlike Flan tribes of the Yatil Mountains absorbed most of the Oeridian, Suloise, and Baklunish invaders flooding the great Yatils pass called the Wyrm’s Tail, though several Flan tribes were driven from the lowlands by Oeridians who established freeholds for their own clans. The disunity of these small clans was taken advantage of by advancing Aerdi forces, c. 97–100 CY. The Viceroyalty of Ferrond quickly gained full control of the eastern and southeastern sides of what is now Perrenland, making it a part of Ferrond’s Quaglands. The fishing towns of Traft and Schwartzenbruin were forced to accept the authority of stern Aerdi bailiffs.   Rebellions were endemic from the beginning of the Great Kingdom’s presence in the Quaglands. Most Aerdi bailiffs were practical overseers, not given to excesses of taxation or punishment, but the intractable natives seemed unable to learn obedience in any form. Nor, it seemed, could they learn unity, as decades of Aerdy rule turned to centuries. Many mountain and lowland tribesmen eventually served in the military of Ferrond, then in Furyondy after 254 CY; from this they gained the experience and discipline necessary to mount a successful rebellion. They took the first appearance of the Relentless Horde in the north (c. 320 CY) as the opportunity to break free of the yoke of their overseers. The bailiffs and the troops loyal to them were expelled, and the distracted kingdom of Furyondy was unable to spare the forces necessary to put down this last rebellion.   The nomads were indeed a threat to the Quaglands freeholders, and the Sepia Uplands saw many bloody skirmishes between the two peoples. Even the death of the nomads’ Kha-Khan Ogobanuk and the division of the horde into twin nations (345 CY) did not completely end the hostility. Nomad raids continued for many years in the north, while Ket several times invaded the Wyrm’s Tail and nearly took Krestible. The Quaglands and Yatil freeholders defended their borders tenaciously, but lacked the strength to make themselves truly secure. A plan was then devised to unite the defenses under a single leader, while allowing clan holdings to remain relatively independent. The freeholds were marked into eight cantonments, joined by oaths of mutual armed assistance called the Covenant of Concatenation. The leaders of these collected states elected the strongest of their number, Perren, to be their Voormann, c. 400 CY. Such was their devotion to this great warrior and statesman that he was elected voormann five consecutive times; after his death, the young nation adopted his name.   Perren’s successors were neither as competent nor admired as he, but generally proved able executives. Still, in the later part of the last century, Perrenland was threatened by a force of overwhelming evil, in the person of the Archmage Iggwilv and her armies of evil humanoids. Attacking from her base in the legendary “Lost Caverns” in the Yatils in 480 CY, Iggwilv enslaved Perrenland from 481–491 CY. Its citizens were subjected to violence and robbery; the nation was looted, and ships on Lake Quag sunk at will. Minions of the witch probed into nomad lands as well, finding some allies but even more foes. In the canton of Clatspurgen, the monastery-fortress of Saint Cuthbert in Kershane Pass was the center of opposition to Iggwilv, holding the great valley through which the Velverdyva leaves the realm.   At last, a great demon prince that Iggwilv had sought to control escaped confinement, and the witch was brought low. Her armies fell into disorder, and Perrenland threw off their yoke and destroyed the nonhuman legions. Even to this day, certain valleys in the southern cantons retain an evil tinge from the brief years of Iggwilv’s reign, as their residents assisted with Iggwilv’s directives. The nation recovered from this war and a two-year famine that followed, but it has retained a deep fear of Iggwilv. The knowledge that the demonic empire-builder Iuz is Iggwilv’s son has haunted the sleep of many Perrenders, and recent rumors that Iggwilv has returned to Oerth have sparked public panic.  


Political subdivisions

Royal Lands:
  • Canton of Schwartzenbruin
  • Canton of Clatspurgen
  • Canton of Hugelrote
  • Canton of Krestible
  • Canton of Nederboden
  • Canton of Quagfludt
  • Canton of Traft
  • Canton of Yattenhied
Free Cities and Autonomous Regions:
  • Free City of Exag
  • Lands of Clan Kershane
  • Free City of Ulmt



Towns and Villages

  • Adler
  • Aerden
  • Agal
  • Alder Bridge
  • Almech
  • Alpenrose
  • Anchlub
  • Belden-Tor
  • Borrillian's Watch
  • Breitdorf
  • Brock's Aerie
  • Clarstadt
  • Clatsberg
  • Cli
  • Dargstadt
  • Diepval
  • Dreibaum
  • Drukhuis
  • Eidelburg
  • Engis-Kenin
  • Etzel
  • Fascherdorf
  • Feld Dorfchen
  • Felsspalte
  • Fengelvurt
  • Free City of Ulmt
  • Fuberg
  • Gnomiskillin
  • Grafsbridge
  • Grenzenstadt
  • Haigh (Dwarves)
  • Hangest
  • Haviksdal
  • Heldplatz
  • Hilslop
  • Hofstadt
  • Hohle
  • Hugelrote
  • Hundford
  • Ilgen
  • Inonstaad
  • Keiferholm
  • Kershane (Elves)
  • Keuzberg
  • Kirjen
  • Kleinstadt
  • Kortheim
  • Kreistrich
  • Kurort
  • Maelgan's Shal
  • Meersdorf
  • Meerstadt
  • Melrosrot
  • Meunchammer
  • Moensk
  • Morganberg
  • Nederquag
  • Nenten
  • Oksindal
  • Oomp
  • Ostdroom
  • Osterschlauss
  • Pferdstadt
  • Rennerstadt
  • Ribermott
  • Rikkendal
  • Rildenoff
  • Rodenhuis
  • Rodstadt
  • Rondhuis
  • Rosenkreuzstadt
  • Schwaartzart
  • Schwungelstad
  • Sedhane (Elves)
  • Shamott
  • Sinflut
  • Skillet
  • Stammburg
  • Strönburg
  • Tilstadt
  • Ubergenin
  • Untergenin
  • Vengschaffer
  • Vesthaven
  • Veundstaad
  • Virsthaven
  • Vos Dorfchen
  • Votrote
  • Vyddervies
  • Weisich
  • Westdorf
  • Willenheim
  • Wyndplaatz
  • Yatilsskaad

Notable locations

  • Daufsicht
  • Don Craggen Keep
  • Flinterlord Island
  • Isle of Cli
  • Kershane Monastery
  • Mount Hellspaar
  • Mount Perren
  • Mount Sedhane
  • Mount Sentvoor
  • Punt
  • Roodberg Castle
  • Schleiker's Isle
  • The Stone Citadel of Dawn
  • Tiger's Gate
  • Verbeeg Head
  • Vosserkatz

Demography and Population

468,000 - Human 79% (OFsb), Dwarf 8% (Mountain 90%, Hill 10%), Halfling 6%, Elf 3%, Gnome 2%, Half-elf 1%, Half-orc 1%
Leader Title
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Feudal state
Grossmark (pp), Mark (gp), Halfmark (ep), Kleinmark (sp), Pfennig (cp)


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