Castle Candor

Castle Candor is a castle complex at the center of Candor. It functions as the seat of King Charming VII, and capitol of the Empyrean Empire.     ---   Castle Candor stands as the majestic heart of Candor, serving as the political and ceremonial center of the Empyrean Empire. This opulent castle complex signifies the epitome of power, magic, and architectural brilliance.   Castle Candor is more than just a building; it's a symbol of the Empyrean Empire's power, charm, and magic. With its soaring towers and gleaming facades, it stands as a testament to the might and elegance of the realm it governs.  

Architectural Essence

  Constructed with elegance and grandeur, the castle is a masterpiece of Euphoric architecture. Its structures exude a radiant white and spectrum of rainbow lights, that makes it a beacon visible from great distances, and does damage to any entity aligned against Light Magic.  

Significance in Governance

  As the seat of Emperor Charming VII, Castle Candor plays a pivotal role in the administration and governance of the Empyrean Empire. The policies crafted within its halls shape the future of the entire realm, while its chambers have borne witness to countless decisions of historical significance.  

Center of the Charmocracy

  Within the walls of Castle Candor, the principles of Charmocracy—the governance system based on charm and charisma—find their purest expression. It is here that the charismatic elites of the Empyrean Empire convene, debate, and make decisions that impact the lives of every citizen in Lotria.
can·dor /ˈkandər/ noun the quality of being open and honest in expression; frankness. "a man of refreshing candor"
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