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Almor is an expansive continent which takes up most of northern Halth'aire. Almor is the hearth of Naadi culture and is the place of creation for the Goliath, Kenku, Triton, Dragonborn, Lizardfolk, and Kobold races. Almor is a vast land of varying landscapes and terrains, shifting from mountainous highlands in the north to temperate grassland on the western coast and boreal forests to the east. The southern half of the continent is covered in tall yellow grasses which transition to other grasses that are shorter and a darker green color as the climate cools on the western coast. Mosses and liches cover the landscape of Almor's southwest and tall, red-barked trees litter the forests in the region. The colder, and often frozen, northern half of the continent is covered in tundra-like landscapes with short yellow grasses and flowers dotting the barren fields. The mountains of Almor are jagged and create a natural barrier between the northern and southern kingdoms. The kingdoms of Almor are split between the powerful Rudfenian Amku, the less powerful Vakis Alliance, a defensive pact between the various other states of Almor, and the unpredictable and expansionist Wolgast Sym.
Included Organizations
Related Ethnicities
Inhabiting Species


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