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Kingdom of Talrice

The Kingdom of Talrice is a powerful monarchy that controls nearly a third of Pwenlylyn. Ruled over by King Rodric Nist, Talrice is an expansive nation with a mostly agricultural economy as well as having a few major port cities on the western coast. Bronzeward, the capital, is located on the western coast and is home to the Palace of Idyloch as well as the Craig Heddwch which is the stone on which the Treaty of Idyloch was carved. King Rodric is in the process of preparing for an invasion of the lesser Faityl nations, Queria and Priwidor, and is currently negotiating with the Grand Prince of Macavuria for military and economic support. Talrice has no overseas allies and is only supported by the more powerful but weakening Macavurian Principalities. Despite the influence of Macavurian culture, Talrice remains a proud hearth of Faityl culture, holding many of the people's holy sites and acting as the hallmark of Faityl culture in terms of its adherence to customs in daily life and policy-making.


The people of Talrice differ little from Faityl people in Priwidor, Queria, or Macavuria. The western reaches of Pwenlylyn are more urbanized and developed than the east, so many of the cultural and societal differences of Faityl in Talrice derive from that fact. After all, Talrice was once the heart of the Valaris Empire, meaning most cities, ports, and major public works were found in what is currently Talrice. Culture is far more homogenized in Talrice and influences from other continents to the west are often present among the dress, jewelry, and language of Talricans. A larger proportion of the population is urbanized compared to Priwidor and Queria, though the rural population is still far larger. Tribal culture is less prevalent in Talrice, with far more of the population having descended from loyal, imperial subjects who were mostly culturally homogenous. Talrice also has a larger proportion of other races such as orcs and halflings, as well as migrants from other nearby continents, than the mostly human east.


The Kingdom of Talrice is a nation on the continent of Pwenlylyn, bordering the United Macavurian Principalities as well as the Duchy of Priwidor and the Republic of Queria. Talrice is a warmongering kingdom with a rich history of conquest and militarism extending into the modern day. The current Talrican monarch, Ibai Silas, aims to expand his territory, looking east towards Priwidor, a struggling duchy whose negligent duke is under threat of a civil war and revolution. Similarly, the United Macavurian Principalities, who recently lost a war to Thecedor, face a civil war, placing Talrice in a prime position to seize power over Pwenlylyn. Raids from the west, mostly originating from the clan-based nation of Auchnavar, continuously halt trade and divert the attention of Rodric Nist, who awaits the perfect moment to invade Priwidor. Talrice is home to what used to be the core of the Valaris Empire, with Bronzeward, the nation's current capital, also having been the former empire's capital. Talrice formed shortly after the civil war, having been founded by the main proponents of the revolution, those being barons and lesser nobles who were upset with land reforms and the threat of losing their power. The imperial remnant, who had fled to the south, invaded Talrice soon after its formation and reformed the former imperial government. House Nist, which has held control over Talrice for just over two centuries, claims to descend from the last emperor of Valaris, who is assumed to have been executed during the Empire's collapse. The current King, Rodric, is seen as a widely benevolent ruler whose warmongering hasn't tired the Talrican people, yet. He is a popular ruler and is glorified by the Talrican people if anything, seen as a hero for the nation's territorial expansion and current military and economic strength. By all accounts, Talrice has become the most powerful kingdom in Pwenlylyn.
Founding Date
322 OG
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Predecessor Organization
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System


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