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Unified Mavacurian Principalities

The United Macavurian Principalities is an expansive nation with territory across both Pwenlylyn and Fron Aberaelwyd, with much of this territory having belonged to various Macavurian dukes and princes before the fall of the Valaris Empire. During the time of the empire's existence, These regions were controlled by nobles who were supportive of Imperial rule and held great influence over the royal imperial family. As civil war loomed over the empire, nobles in what is now Macavuria began to make treaties and alliances with each other, choosing sides to take once the inevitable civil war finally sparked. The southern Macavurian dukes broke away, while the northern duchies remained allied to the imperial government which would soon flee into their land. Eventually, the northern duchies and principalities unified, held back the dissenting southern duchies, and used the imperial remnant to form the Kingdom of Talrice. However, Macavuria chose to remain independent, rather than unite with Talrice, in order to better serve their own geopolitical and economic interests and not have to account for peoples they did not consider their own.   In the modern day, Macavuria is a struggling country threatened with collapse. The royal heir of Macavuria, Jareth van Aanholt, mysteriously disappeared without a trace, leaving the infirm and unhealthy Grand Prince without a successor. Due to his worsening condition, the Grand Prince has left governmental affairs to his wife, but the governing force remains unstable and the people are unsure in the future of their nation's monarchy. Instability in the central government has led to many lesser nobles to band together in protest to the government, asking for more autonomy and a weaker monarchy under the threat of civil war. A recent loss to Thecedor led to a large tract of territory being lost to the lesser southern duchy, furthering the people's lack of faith in the current monarchy.    Macavuria is a largely agricultural and rural realm, with few large settlements dotting the western coast of Pwenlylyn. Most of the nation's population are humans, specifically Macavurian in ethnicity but with some Faitilic tribes in the eastern reaches. Macavuria is generally described as a peaceful, trade-focused nation with much of its efforts going towards advancements in arcana and its own economic stature. However, organized crime has become an epidemic in Macavuria, with the autonomous feudalism of the nation giving rise to corrupt lords and nobles who aim to profit off of the illegal trade of Xumil and other smuggled goods. Culturally, Macavuria is the hearth of Macavurian culture, with many religious and cultural sites important to the Macavurian people being present in the southern lands of the nation, though Thecedor aims to slowly encroach on these lands.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities


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