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Fron Aberaelwyd

Fron Aberaelwyd is a temperate landmass directly to the south of Pwenlylyn. The landmass is almost entirely covered by sloping hills of grasslands and sparse wooded forests. The yellow grasses of this continent are interrupted regularly by small shrubbery and plant-life as well as small rock formations. The vast grasslands and temperate climate make the land of this region perfect for agriculture and the raising of livestock. The colder southern regions of the continent are covered in a dense boreal forest with tall white-barked trees that have consistently yellow foliage. These evergreens are a valuable lumber resource due to the wood's flexibility and durability, making it perfect for use in bows and other weaponry. The kingdoms of Fron Aberaelwyd are all at peace with one another though tensions are rising among the lesser states and the United Macavurian Principalities. The Kings of Bontbran and Pantfelin are both unhappy with the powerful and foreign Macavurian kingdoms to their north, wanting to rid their continent of foreign influence. Bontbran and Pantfelin are both Marcean culturally while Macavuria and Thecedor are primarily Macavurian culturally. Apart from Macavurian and Marcean humans, Fron Aberaelwyd is home to the Cadwalader and Tudori races.
Related Ethnicities
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