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The Executioner, God of Punishment.

Arvilus is to most a forgotten god, his name is rarely even whispered nor worshiped in most parts of the world. For who prays to a God of punishment, who's very purpose is to forsake emotion and strive for cold hearted devotion to one's craft, the craft of the hangman, the executioner, the last face you'll ever see. But they know him, they hear his name as a whisper, those who can meet out punishment with a steady and unmoving heart. For those who enjoy giving pain and take glee in taking a life, have no place has Arvilus chosen, he despises them, for to meet out justice with a sword, one must steel the heart, no compassion, no remorse, no happiness, no ambition, while one swings the sword, or pulls the lever. Only precision. And it is said that those who die at the hands of executioners are sent to his realm for eternal punishment. It is said that he hates those who take justice into their own hand and that he hates those who run from judgment, instead of facing their rightful due. And those who would turn their hated enemies to the law pleases him greatly, for then he will extract his eternal torment upon them. He is sometimes called the Husband of judgment, due to his affiliation to it. It is said that he is enamored with her, as he will not punish the innocent, but their definition of innocent is often different. As is their punishment.

Holy Books & Codes

He has no written codes beyond his 4 tenets, written in what is called the sacred chains, chains said to be given to the first executioner in the league. Besides that, his codes belong to the law, and his worshippers must adhere and meet out punishment to those who would defile the law in whatever land they reside in.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Any torture device or executioner's Axe. but most sacred of all is the hangman's noose.

Tenets of Faith

  • You will make them confess their wrongdoings, make them scream their guilts, make them languish to purify their dark hearts.
  • You must never work upon the innocent; you may only work thy art upon the filthy, those who would break the dearest law.
  • You should never take joy in your work, for to do so is to become something grim, something worse than a criminal.
  • You must protect the law-abiding with your craft, never hurt them, never scold them, simply work your craft upon the wicked.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To Punish those who defile the law, and protect those who follow it. To Restrain oneself to truly dedicate oneself to order and law.



Husband (Vital)

Towards Harkon




Wife (Important)

Towards Arvilus



Relationship Reasoning

Arvilus had always adored the judge, for only she could bring justice and ensure his axe strike true, and he has always found purpose in bringing truth to her ears. Whereas Harkon views Arvilus as a necessary evil, that there must be a punishment to ensure loyalty to code, to subdue the subversive.   But their relationship was only cemented by degree from Raziel during the closing years of the Plane wars.


Brother (Important)

Towards Semalia




Sister (Important)

Towards Arvilus




Arvilus was known to dot upon his little sister, showing her great affection, and teaching her the importance of punishment for the sake of Law and Order. But also the importance of being able to detach oneself from their work.

Harkon (Wife)
Semalia (Sister)


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