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The Rightful Ruler, The Impartial judge, Destiney's Guide, The Unyielding. (a.k.a. The Great Orderer)

The Rightful Ruler, The Impartial judge, Destiney's Guide, The Unyielding. She is the guardian of law and order, she seeks to bring peace and stability to the world, through her means; unquestioning obedience and strict adherence to the law. The world is chaotic and unlawful place, it is a place of great hardship, chaos and strife, only by uniting the world beneath the banner of order and law, can evil be rooted out, so goes her mantra.   She bestows her protection, and guidance to those who follow the law, to those who help their fellows, to those brave enough to bring law to the unlawful, to bring order to chaos, those she hold dear. Her worshippers are quite diverse as are their reasonings, peasents pray to her that the war does not shatter their lives, soldiers pray for their cause to be just, kings seek guidance that there rule may be true and just.        



The Rightful Ruler & The just Tyrant

  The Rightful Ruler she called by some, she who rules her land in wisdom and benevolence to her people. She has earned her position of power by succession or vote and maintains the dignity of her position. Her will and law is made for the good of the those she rules to establish stability in the domain. Others may see in the Rightful ruler a Tyrant, someone who would limit them as individuals for the benefit of the state, they see themselves reduced to cogs in a machine, and the moment they deny the rightful ruler it strikes them down like a tyrant.  

The Impertial Judge & The Heartless

  The impertial judge must pass the law as it written, she cannot allow her emotions to sway her, the law must be executed as it is written, lest the whole system fall apart, order is based on obedience on every level, and to maintain that level, one must distance themselves from the world and take on an objective view on the world. Others would call her heartless, what if the law is not just? What if extreme circumstances forced it? The Heartless, that is irrelevant.  

The Bringer of Order & Peace

  The Bringer of Order, is her manfistation of force, it is a just force, one that brings Oder and stability to the world. At any price, by it by war or other means, all that matters the stability it will bring to the world and the eventual peace that may settle.  

Devil Breaker

In ages past, the infernal children of heaven, slighted Semalia and her elven people, even costing her a beloved champion. Thus ever since she has aided all those who would swear their name in her crusade against the eleven hells and those who have fought against their corruption in the material plane.  


  The Worship of Semalia a ritualistic and pendantic thing, something done before a prayer book, in public temples and at sermons. It is public thing, done side by side with other believers

Divine Domains

Justice, Order, Authority, Law.

Holy Books & Codes

The Semalian Codex

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A chain which symbolises the strenght of unity in purpose and rigidity, such chains are usually made of silver. Scales meant to symbolise the justice of the law and fairness of the Semalia. The Mace is a sacred weapon to her follows, as it is preferred weapon. As such it symbolises Dedication, justice and retraint.

Tenets of Faith

Follow the law.   Follow the expectations placed upon you.   Respect your station.   Respect the Law and those who enforce it.   Protect your homes.   Protect the order and peace of the land.   Never Doubt, and never forget your destiny.   Do not betray the trust placed in you.



Sister (Important)

Towards Semalia




Sister (Important)

Towards Harkon




As the oldest of children of Raziel and Morkova she helped raise her young sister during the most turbulent year of the war in heaven, she taught her Sister the importance of how justice was to be a tool for Order, teaching her the importance of the concepts their father had brought to the great chaos.


Brother (Important)

Towards Semalia




Sister (Important)

Towards Arvilus




Arvilus was known to dot upon his little sister, showing her great affection, and teaching her the importance of punishment for the sake of Law and Order. But also the importance of being able to detach oneself from their work.

Divine Classification
Harkon (Sister)
Arvilus (Brother)


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