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The Blind God, The Seeker, Lord of Just Punishment and Fair Judgement.

Harkon is the god of judgment, truth, law, and punishment, it is she who oversees the court, it is she who stays the hand of the executioner to ensure the truth has been spoken, that the axe may find the neck which deserves it. She cares not whether the judgment was held by a court or in person, justice to her is not necessarily found in strict laws or regulation, as long as the sinner was judged accordingly to their sins, and just punishment was handed out. Justice to Harkon comes from whoever invokes her, some places justice is found in great volumes of law, in other places, it is found by blood in a duel. Judges and Chieftains alike invoke her name that her blind gaze may help them find the truth of their cases.  

Distant Child of Heaven

Though rarely called by, and often overlooked by her brother Laark, Harkon was the first child of Raziel and Morkova shaped from the crushed remains of Chaos and remade in their image, as the executor of the law, that she could carry out the will of her Father. Perhaps to little surprise, Harkon was always a distant member of the pantheon, often associated with long past days of turmoil by her likeness.    

Leash of the Executioner

Harkon rewards those who seek justice for all, those would seek the truth and bring it to light, those that drag sinners to their judgment. In the eyes of Harkon, there can be no justice without punishment, for without punishment there would be no respect for order, but it is important to show restraint, the purpose for trial and punishment must always be to find the truth and appropriately condemn it. Thus she has always been the leash and guide of Husband Arvilus, to ensure the often eager hand does strike irrevocably.  

The Three headed God

To her, the point of the justice and the law of the land binds its peoples together in common harmony, that it keeps a land stable. It is to give all a fair chance. Harkon understands that justice is many different things to many different people it is therefore her goal to embody justice for all, however impossible such a task is. For Harkon in her youth had once only seen one truth, and that she had enforced upon the world, so that true justice could flourish, but with time she had come to realize that many under the rules she had helped bring about were causing great anguish, they cursed her name, hailed her as a tyrant that she brought about only suffering and injustice. Thus it dawned upon her, that she was quite unlike mortals and they quite unlike even each other, she could embody all their truths and lies to bring about that which they desired as she were now, so she ripped from her eyes from their sockets that she would never unjustly cast judgment again and cleaved her head in three that each part of her would compass a piece of the many truths. She has since that day worn a great headdress that hides her terrible scaring and macabre face.    


The aspects of Harkon is largely determined by those who invoke her, given her desire to ensure that they have their fair judgment, she heavily bound to what those who invoke her deem to be just.    

The Judge

When the law and codes become more important than lives, and where justice is that the law is applied impartially, then Harkon takes bears the mantle of the Judge, her blindsight is invoked that the guilty may be judged fairly as the law demands. The judge is detached from its emotions, of a cool head and calm judgment. it matters not why the crime was committed only that it was.  

The Highlord

To some order and law is defined by social standing and might, in such places they would invoke the Highlord, for in such places people are bound by stratified codes of conduct and laws, where people are bound by the words of their rulers and lords rather than coded and equal law, but such lords are held to a much higher standard. For a lower-ranking man to disrespect one of higher standing might result in severe punishment, but on the other hand, the man of high standing must uphold themselves to other standards less they invoke great punishment. Law is maintained in other words, by people accepting their place in stratification.    

The Honourbound

Sometimes justice is defined by tradition and honor: To many honor is just as, if not more binding them ink on paper sheets, for their honor is what defines them, and to loose that is less than dirt, such bonds are strong and that is honor is something which she respects.    


Harkon is rarely actively worshipped, nor does she have many priests dedicated to her name for she rarely encourages it. Her worship s mainly done through actions and intent. In some rare occasions does she name a champion and empower them or perhaps some prove themselves worthy in her eyes, such individuals are referred to as judges.  

To honor your god

Those who wish to pay tribute to Harkon can go to any statue or semblance of her, as she has no symbol, and leave her token tributes and prayers. But the true worship of Harkon is to live an honest life, give unto those who live with honesty, and punish those who would destroy the harmony of the world.

Divine Domains

Justice, law, Truth.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Harkon is rarely shown without her executioners sword or scales.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

She seeks to spread justice and harmony to the world, by assiting all those who have need of her aid. Harkon does not seek worship anymore, now she seeks only to repent and allow the world to find it's own right and wrong and to aid it in that goal.



Husband (Vital)

Towards Harkon




Wife (Important)

Towards Arvilus



Relationship Reasoning

Arvilus had always adored the judge, for only she could bring justice and ensure his axe strike true, and he has always found purpose in bringing truth to her ears. Whereas Harkon views Arvilus as a necessary evil, that there must be a punishment to ensure loyalty to code, to subdue the subversive.   But their relationship was only cemented by degree from Raziel during the closing years of the Plane wars.


Sister (Important)

Towards Semalia




Sister (Important)

Towards Harkon




As the oldest of children of Raziel and Morkova she helped raise her young sister during the most turbulent year of the war in heaven, she taught her Sister the importance of how justice was to be a tool for Order, teaching her the importance of the concepts their father had brought to the great chaos.

Harkon is often portrayed in great judicial robes or other  local notions of law and authority, with bandages that covers her eyes. In her hands she may sometimes hold a scale, to symbolise the fairness of her judgement, but she always carries a great executioners blade to symbolise the weight of her responsibilities, the weight of her judgement and the ultimate punishment that the law may bring.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Blind God, The Seeker, Just Punishment and Fair Judgement.
Arvilus (Husband)
Semalia (Sister)


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