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Crown Guard

One of the oldest organizations within the League and perhaps the one that's changed the most, once the personal bodyguards of the king Korvand, now they serve the nation in various capacities. For after his death, there could be little agreement nor any assurance of loyalty to any of the many sons, instead they would become the servants of the crowns by acting where they could not, dealing with matters which only the strongest servants of the League could face.   The once unified brotherhood was thus split into many different knight orders to oversee the wasteness of the League and respond in time to the burgeoning imperium of League. In time these very different brotherhoods began to lessen and newly instituted ones with completely new purposes began to overtake the old guard, the old knightages and moniker of Crown Guard began to mean that one was only beholden to the kings, that was a knight of the 5 kings and not a servant of the league.   This idea is more or less still true, with the Crown Guard now being the moniker and overall organizational structure for the many different orders that specialize in the eradication and removal of many different elements found within the League both unnatural and entirely mundane.


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