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Order of the Sacrosanct Bolt

Rampant and uncontrolled magic has lured countless devils into the mortal realm, a threat that simply cannot be ignored, thus by a royal degree in the year 1355, King Kastimar who gifted them a great rarity, that of reliquary weapons the Orbis bolt, a device that can blast apart even the foulest of apparitions and reduce armor to slag. The Castigators were thus formed during the first great plague, a time of great turmoil and infernal incursions were occurring at an alarming rate. The Order is rather secretive about their approach and means, but the rapidly growing movement, as initiates flocked to it in this desperate age, they managed to suppress the incursions with great precision.   Not without great casualties, however, as nearly 40 percent of the order succumbed during the first plague during active missions, even its founder died near the end of the first outbreak, supposedly due to contracting the disease. To many the Castigators are heroes of the highest order, one of the few remaining exemplars in an increasingly confusing world, for they do not raise their hand against the common man, they do not strike down that which is good, only that which purely evil, the infernal. But some also say that there is something off about them, how come only so few survive the initiation, and darker whispers still say that some of those who have been classified as dead, were seen walking amongst their comrades. The Order of the Sacrosanct bolt is dividing into many minor brotherhoods, often called vigil keeps, dotted throughout the league, these orders are highly independent with each of them having their own command structures and oaths to the first keep. It is honor and tradition that stays and binds their hand, rather than any direct law or degree.   These brotherhoods are all bound to the founding Order in Kastelm, where they each meet once every quarter but it is custom to have representatives of each order, to pass along information between the different brotherhoods. Each of them if called to action by either a plea from another brotherhood or king, it is usually passed to and from the first keep of the founding order. But such orders are rare, as each brotherhood respects the integrity and capability of each other, only interceding should the kings demand it or their brothers call for aid.


Each brotherhood has certain positions that are deemed a necessity, for the function of the overall order and internally within the brotherhood. On such position is the Reverend Brother, priest of the Raziel Creed, it is a charge to ensure morale and faith amongst his brothers, for many of them, carry heavy burdens, deeds they would rather not have done and deals that darken the soul in the line of duty.   The Arvilian is a position that no one truly wants, it the gravest charge given to any brother, and a lonely charge at that, for the Arvilian is the internal executioner, if any brother strays to far and is charged with making deals unbecoming of him or unneeded for the good of the brotherhood, it is he who must be the executioner.   The Keeper is the brotherhoods quartermaster, but more importantly than that, he is among the few in the league who are capable of maintaining the rare high-end equipment made from the Korvand Foundry, so that the brotherhoods equipment does not go to waste.   The Eye is responsible for discreetly maintaining their spy network to keep track of any occult activity within the league and ensure that any cult is caught hopefully before they make any infernal bargains and the more difficult task of keeping track of ordinary men and women who may have struck such deals. The Master is the head of each brother, and at the first founding is the grandmasters, though their tasks are largely similar, to direct his brothers, and to train them, and ensure the brotherhood can function, to recruit new members and ensure the pride of the order remains intact.

No price too great.

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