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Descendents of minor clans who joined the invading armies of high King Korvald for the promise of freedom from the yoke of clan Almar, and went on to join the good king in his crusade until his very death. The Friani(Free Folk) have long been loyal subjects of the Korval League, fiercely proud of their history, and the oaths they swore to the King, and what they’ve done in service to the League.   The Friani are often considered stoic and much too serious about the most mundane of matters, considering every promise made and deal struck to be honor bound rather than written sentiment, in fact, it’s not uncommon for Friani to feel insulted if a written agreement is necessary as if their word was not enough! Friani society is highly hierarchy and dictated by ancient oaths, made by their forebearers, usually oaths allegiance which are sworn annually or whenever a new lord may move in, it is rare that such oaths are not sworn, but when they are it becomes the subject of intense scrutiny for both parties, and if one is found to acted dishonorably to incur such rejection, one is usually ousted from social circles, which may as well be death for noble families, as deals and trade are conducted by notions of who’s reliable and trustworthy and not always direct profit. Since most nobels in Friani are not respected for their linages like in other parts of the league, but rather for their reputation and honor.   The nobility in Friani is relatively young, and through many periods of intense change and turbulent lives has seen many new positions and opportunities in society spring forth at a rate that never truly settled within society. Thus the innate respect for the lesser nobles, and the strictness in the hierarchy of Korval has never truly settled it’s roots into the Friani, there have always been people who rise to occasion and claim opportunity, right from the time of King Frian who rose to the challenge of freeing a people, therefor the Friani are quite accepting of social mobility if a man is able then by god he should claim it. Thus nobility is rooted in loyalty, integrity and family bonds of the people, for as a man is only worth as much as his word, then a noble is only as strong as his reputation.   The Friani are however in many aspects much like most of the Heartlanders, honest to a fault and down to earth in their everyday dealings. They believe in the word of the law and the good that follows those who adhere to tradition and principles. They hold many of the traditions and values and resemble them much more than their closest kin in the highlands.   In most regards, the Friani are slow to accept new things and change, but wounded pride is what has recently seen them spur on efforts to modernize, for if there is one thing the Friani cannot abide it would that of their beloved homeland is such a laughingstock that it had become in recent years. Giving them greatly mixed perceptions on this rapid industrialization. Some see it as progress to reclaim lost glory, others as prosperity, while others see a further decline in their way of life and the wonderous and verdant land of Frian, and to many, it is a sore spot in their history, as the pride of their land, the great agriculture, seems to now instead invoke ridicule.


Shared customary codes and values

The Fraini's honor culture demands that word carries into action, if a man makes empty promises then he is worth the same as his words. Thus the stoic nature of the people is enforced, they must be patient and calm, for how else can there be truth to his words if he allows anger and fleeting motions to sway him. Thus must anger also carry action and be called upon sparingly
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