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Communal, stoic, and free of heart.   Decedents of the ancient clan Almar, though they would side with the invaders they did so only after having assessed the situation some would join to justify war with rival clans, others out of fear for the aftermath should they not, and some due to ancient oaths. But because they joined late they were not granted the authority they pleased. The Varlakyr are an ancient people, having held on to their traditions and way of life, while they watched the northern cousins bow to and eventually become like their invaders. A proud people, they bow to no one who hasn’t earned their respect and oath, and care little for what written law may say about that if the boggers care they can come to prove themselves and say it to their faces.   The Varlakyr are intensely private folk, living in their own dugins carved of the great mountain and tending to their herds, most of the weekdays, being with their families and kin, it is quite common to see many generations living in the same dugin, with new youngsters usually moving with their lasses, as it’s considered proper that the family keep a watch on the new lad and then sanction their relation.   In these parts, history is an important aspect of communal life, oral traditions tracing their way back to the rise and fall of the Almar clan are still told in vivid detail around campfires and village stones alike. Where they meet weekly to the fest, drink, and make merry, burning away a week’s long fatigue, and seeing what friends and other families around the ridge are up to.   Many would say that the Varlakyr are few of words, and often rude with those chosen few they utter, but the Varlakyr that’s just a polite greeting, for they are honest with what they say, but they do have a crude tongue, as it’s considered a mark of honesty and directness amongst them, both valued traits. Some in the highlands hold bitter enmity to their association with the league, for they did choose to join it, but its joined is marred by awful memories and shame. In those years when the good king came to liberate the lowlanders from the tyranny of the Almar clan, the highlanders carefully bid their time and considered their options, when it became clear the Almar would lose they declared their allegiance, but one clan the Brayda, killed the messengers of a few rival clans, an act few thought of at the time, such rivalry was common amongst the highlanders, but it would lead to disastrous civil war amongst them, as soldiers from Almar joined the “loyal clans” leading to intense a bitter fighting amongst themselves, so fierce was the fighting that over a fourth of the population succumbed during the conflict.   In the end, they had little show for it, the Friani coalition were the once who gained power, and the highlands were relegated as backwaters no one cared about until taxes were demanded, and attempt after attempt to make them kneel before foreigners, lords from afar dictating what they could and couldn’t do, and attacks against their way of life, laws against their language and obligations to learn and use the Korvani tongue. Few can deny that things are more peaceful nor greater plenty has never been known from trade with the rest of the league, but it remains a bitter pill to swallow, and a continued struggle to remain true to their ways and be left to themselves.
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