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Frian Lowlands

The Frain lowlands are the fertile wetlands dotted by lush fields beneath the looming Drak Mountains it is granted great healthy land, from the seasonal floods that spring from the gentle rivers of the highlands, that torn to great floods in the summer, almost as clockwork, great ditches, and artificial damns and rivers utilize the floods to great effect, making some of the most fertile lands in all of Andaras. If one knows how to tame the lands.   The Frian Lowlands is thus remarked for its many river bends and its deep forest, though dominated entirely by the woodlands, the League’s insatiable appetite for timber has seen these great woods depleted through the centuries, now only the oldest woods remain.   In their stead are now countless farmhouses and small scattered communities that hold and cultivate the lands. The southern lowlands are the most inhabited and well-established part of the Frian, here the great city Fraisthor Straddles the great rivers of Ullamar and Korvana, spreading its dominion over the region along with the other great townships, such as Frallum and Kryna. While the further north one travels, the small villages and farming communities slowly give way to lumber camps until the woods and wilderness shadow looms too high. Whispers of ancient elven ruins still live on here, and the fear of dreadful Wood Elves stealing children is common, but worse still primordial beasts still prowl, growing bolder every year, as people are drafted every year.  

Locations of interest

River Ullamar The great twin trails of Frian, the river Ullamar has it roots in the Drak Mountains as a quite stream and becomes a great a mighty river on its path through the mountains into the highlands which splits into the lowlands. The River Ullamar holds great importance to the Frians who have always traveled with the great river to get around the lowlands and further north to trade.   Forest of Knos. The forest of Knos has a complicated history to the Frian people, once a sacred place to their ancestors and the worship of the great Animal Spirits, it is not something that harbors dissenters and hostile elements to Frias, many see it as a manifestation of their abandonment of tradition, their ancestor's punishment for giving up their legacy, others as a problem to root out, for the good of the people who live near it.   Kuvarst The Braying Forest. The Kuvarst forest, is a small forest near the northern borders, but a place few dare go close to, within are believed to be a migrating horde of minotaurs and other horned aberrations, but every time somebody goes to stop the braying and the kidnapped locals, nothing is ever found, or worse no one ever returns.   Sulaine the wreathed ruins. Within Kuvarst are the ancient ruins of Sulaine, believed to be an elven ruin, dating close to the age of the great schism between the different elf kin, many have sought to uncover its secrets, to be the first to understand the purpose of the structure. But so far none have, at best it is understood to be a monument to the glory of old figures an elven lineage.
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