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Master & Mother of Assassins, The Unseen Killer, Grand Murderer, The Night Walker. Htar

Marked From Birth

Htar was born of Mivha and Laark , as their first child she was dotted with love from her parents and their followers too praised the birth of the child. But Htar was a quiet and strange child, born with only one good eye with the ability to see into the future. She quickly proved to be a trickster, always finding ways to evade her parents to play and trick their mortal followers.       Her father sent her to Harkon and Arvilus to be taught in justice and law, so that she could become a god of justice for their beloved creation. But it was clear Htar had little interest in law, it was much too strict and she preferred to live free but she did take to the teachings of Arvilus who took great fondness of the child much to the displeasure of her parents.  

Cult of Killers

The exact story is lost to time, perhaps by Htars own design, but it is known that during The War of Creation she began to whisper to her followers who were followers of the ancient foe, directing their movement to their marks in order to ensure order. In time her cults grew more and more distant from society, becoming small independent communities, communing only with each other and their god.   Eventually, people would forget their original purpose, following the will of their god, Htar seemingly never ceased to direct her followers, people would give her names and she would direct the blade.  

Return of Lolth

At the time of Lolths return, Htar was already an ousted god for she had no place amongst the Illuminar of Semalia, while Lolth promised her the lost love of her mother and a place amongst a new Pantheon. However Htar listens to no one, and knows no loyalties, during the war it was well known that her followers killed for both sides, Htar cares for no one and nothing save her children, her cult.  



Patron of Murderers

Htar is often hailed as the patron or mother of murderers, for her dedication to those she hails as her own. but the name is misleading, for she holds only tight those in her cult, and common killers are nothing to her. No killing is a profession, it is an art, a single blade can end or save a dynasty if it strikes at the right moment, it is clean and precise unseen if needed public if a message it is to be sent. A person's entire life can be for that one single moment, a life for a life, this is beautiful this is art.

The Sworn

Htar and her cult har sworn to a contract, they value nothing have no loyalty save for the contract, once signed it must be fulfilled or the blood of the assassin must stain the ground. All she swears to is the oath of the contract and the brotherhood found in murder. In a sense, that is also their honor, Htar values the notions of Order and justice to some extend, and the sworn represents the Order of the oath.  

Night Walker

Htar is often known to walk the night, hidden by her ghastly flesh, can she walk unseen, she often extends this blessing to her followers.  


The Worship of Htar is largely unknown, her cult hides in many cities awaiting the call to murder, the active worship and rituals conducted there is a mystery. But for those who seek to invoke Htar, they do so by writing a writ, the victim's name written in your blood, a prayer uttered over the writ and if accepted you soon be meeting for payment.

Divine Domains

Murder, Contracts, Oaths.
Divine Classification
Accursed Celestial


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