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The Capitol city of Aknir, Sernos was founded in the first year of the second era to be a bastion against any form of invader. Here, Akni would commission grand walls be built through rings of the city ensuring that the most important citizens would be the most protected. Sernos is the largest city in Aknir, and likely the largest city in Verdai in contention with Giorgligharcia and Geinsberg. The Vast Majority of Aknirs population inhabits this one island sandwiched between the Akniri mainland and The Agon Wastes.


Serian inhabitants are the most varied one may find in Aknir, but with the country's low immigration rate, there still shows a prevalent majority of dwarves, goliaths, and of course humans. Though noble rings of the city do exist, the majority of citizens of Aknir live in the lower class, trying to survive in a region with naturally low trade rates.


The Government of Sernos is run executively by the reigning sovereign of Aknir and shares its law-set with the country at large, but maintains more well enforced than much of the Akniri mainland. This is largely thanks in part to the voluntary enforcement carried out by the temple of Boudicca, whom the sovereign is the head of in Sernos, but also an elitely trained military filled by the compulsory service of all citizens between 26 and 21 years of age if human, 90 to 115 years of age for elves and aasimar, and 45 to 55 years of age for dwarves, gnomes, and halflings.


Sernos is on an Island just off the mainland of Aknir, flanked by the barely inhabitable Agon Wastes. This strategic location has made it so Sernos can only be invaded by one direction and requires the invader to have equipment for sea siege materials. If a landing party does reach Sernos, The have to fight through a series of walls. One protecting the Middle Ring, Another before the Noble Ring, and finally a third for the Keep. each wall is thicker and more well defended than the last, outfit with grooves to make ladder placement difficult on top of Ballistae to defend against airborne threats. 

For Troops, Sernos features a compulsory civil service that works to make certain that every of age citizen is either in active service, or with the training necessary to bring up arms and defend their homes in times of siege.

Industry & Trade

Akni Keep
Palace Courthouse Chancery
The Royal Vaults
Scribes of Sovereignty
(Scribe and Writers Guild)
Needling Nuance
The Sovereign Salve
Honeysuckle Meadery
(Rare Libations)
Blade of Steel, Arms of Stone
(Weapon Smith)
Dragonhide Forge
(Armor Smith)
Temple District
Temple of Boudicca Temple of Athanasios Temple of Masamune
Scribes of Sovereignty
(Scribe and Writers Guild)
Hands of the Divine
(Divine Guild)
The Akniri Department of
Naval Passage and Citizenry
Roses and Reliquaries
Diocese of Dreamers
Noble Ring
The Golden Guild
(Bank and Exchange)
Settee Soiree
(Luxury Furnishings)
Serian Infirmary
Side-street Steppers
Sirs of Sourdough
Pins and Needles
Radiant Lochs
(Bath House)
Locke and Lobster
Wyverns Rest
A Time Well Read
(Book Store)
Hierarches Rest
Parsley Sage
Merchants Square
The Golden Guild
(Bank and Exchange)
Kobold's Kradle
(Inn and Tavern)
The Spewing Spigot
(Tavern and Inn)
Heel and Hearth
Carmen's Curious Quandaries
(Magic Shop - Dissolved)
University of Nove Modai - Sernos
(Arcane Academy - Dissolved)
Tacticians Tinctures
The Silvered Swords
(Monster Hunters Guild)
Riocards Wares of Sport
(General Goods)
Threads of Fate
Jangle's Bango's
(Inn and Tavern)
The Layman's Steele
(Armor and Weapon Smith)
North West Dock East Dock South Dock
The Field of Rice
Fish'es Drink
The Flailing Flounder
(Inn and Tavern)
The Whispering Flame
(Inn and Tavern)
A Tender Cut
Artists Inkorporated
(Tattoo Artist)
A Shave with Death
Knights Well Rest
The Akniri Department of
Naval Passage and Citizenry
Equines Rest
(Inn and Stable)
Rudders Tether
(Ship Wright)
The Salty Sea Questers
(Sailors Guild)
Leave in Wake
(Ship Wright)
Seafarers Seclusion
(Ship Wright)
North Eastern Slums Fishers Respite (Western Slum) Northern Slum (North Docks)
The Ebon Tusk
(Inn and Tavern)
The Cresting Whale
Pez and Vinegar
The Guiled Orb
Cork and Cleaver
Sullied Gully
(Bath House)
Siobhan's Shingles
Fion's Refinery
Marauders Hole


Sernos is well maintained in the higher rings by various guilds of dwarven stoneworkers, but the out-most ring is filled with districts of slums and fisheries constantly in a battle against erosion from the climbing sea water and cold winters. 
 Sewers run from the center of town out to the ocean. Sewers are Grated in several areas, mostly heavily by the walls, and constantly patrolled so that no citizen may cross where they shouldn't.


By far the best maintained district in Sernos, the Administrative district is home to the following administrative buildings as well as select markets tailored for the reigning sovereign. There markets are considered the best in Aknir.
In the north east of Sernos' second ring lies the Temple of Glory. This comparatively small ward is home to three temples. One each to Athanasios, Masamune, and the Central Temple of Boudicca. Directly west of the temple also lies a graveyard reserved to the cities nobles and their glory. The common people of Sernos are too numerous for one cemetery to hold everyone, as such the dead of of the commoners are cremated and honored within familial homes.
The Second most inner ring, the Noble District is for those of upper crust and well decorated with parks featuring spanning lakes. This solitary ring holds a majority of Aknirs wealth, and those below noble station are barred entry without express permission from a ranking family member.
Though there are market stalls constantly set up across the whole of the city of Sernos, there is a dominant cluster of businesses in the southern sector of the middle ring. Here, established merchants enjoy a life of relative luxury, their stores regarded as some of the most reliable and best priced in the city. Assuming, of course, you aren;t relegated solely to the dock wards.
Thereare several dock districts in Sernos, separated by wall and sea. In the northwest docks lay the Rice farms, where low wage workers harvest and grow rice and limited other grains for city consumption. Likewise, the rest of the docks employ fishers, often those who worship Vespucci, to sail into the bay and face monstrous threats to hunt for the cities supply of protein. With numerous inns and taverns, and even a stable, the docks are where most, if not all, people enter Sernos
The slums are the least regulated sectors in Sernos. Here guards turn a blind eye to crime, believing that if the trouble isn't affecting food intake and the higher class rings, then there is no issue to the city at large. That isn't to say that there is no enforcement in the slums, as Sernos is a vastly lawful city, hellbent on annihilating the concept of chaos, but rather that this is where the absolute least of the cities resources are pumped through.


In the Middle Rings and higher, guard houses store basic arms and armor, crafted by the finest smith in Aknir (themself housed in Akni Keep). Otherwise there are stores of grain mills and cool space to keep fish fresh through the warm springs and bitter winters. Aknir is not a wealthy country, but what wealth Aknir does have is on display in Sernos.


Sernos was founded on a hilled island directly off the shore of mainland Aknir by Queen Akni Ceinaghus in the first year of the second era. Since the, Sernos has been a symbolic bastion against invading forces, the cities defences rivaling Geinsberg itself. From this seat of safety, Sernos has survived a handful of foolhearty attempts at siege and has lived in general comfort for a millenia.


  • The Capital City of Aknir: Sernos
    The capital city of Aknir and home to the reigning king, Mathias Ceineghus.
Founding Date
Eighth of Messis, 1 Second Era
Alternative Name(s)
Bastion of Law
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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