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The Royal Providence of Aknir


Folks in Aknir are seen by the remainder of Verdans as a simple bunch, and most often aren't entirely wrong. The Akniri who aren't fighting are often living day to day farming, fishing, and drinking. Life can often be short and ended abruptly so the common people live the hapiest life they can by Singing, dancing, sharing stories and playing games.

Public Agenda

Aknir was founded in Verdai to contain and destroy the monsters that seem to flow from the country, and as such Aknir has a strict military regimen and fights to maintain law.


Economically, Aknir is a very poor country. Most of the countries wealth and resources are poured into a few major cities, namely Sernos, Ailbhafair, Aberlanve, and Ishtenra. Though the coin count is low, Aknir has a surpluss in weaponry, easily being the most well armed country in Verdai. Magic Weapons and Items are confiscated by the higher government to aid in the war effort.
Many towns and Villages in Aknir are agricultural in nature, managing to grow just enough food to feed the towns citizenry without charge. Instead, many common save what pitiful money they make to buy from travelling traders to upgrade equipment or purchase recreational items. As such, innkeepers and general goods stores raise prices in their shops so they may scrounge what they can to share with their community.


At the beginning of the First Era, it would immediately recognized that the nature of Aknir's land made it a danger to all of Verdai, so Boudicca sent her best warriors East to found a new country, naming her right hand to the position as the budding nations First Queen, Akni Ceinaghus the First. Rather quickly, Akni ordered the building of a massive wall around the geography's area. Not to keep people out, but rather to keep the hoard of monsters in.
Since then, the Ceinaghus family has struggled to keep power as the Scions of Queen Akni never quite held up to her Valor, causing a near constant contest for the throne despite the pressing matters of a never ending army of Chaos.
The Sovereigns of Aknir

Demography and Population

Aknir has a lower average population in contrast to the rest of Verdai. Most of Aknirs towns and villages are skeleton crews, struggling to keep up with the constant waves of monsters. Sernos, however, has a population puching past 750,000.


Aknir has a robust military dedicated to the suppression of monsters coveting the nation. Most Notable of Aknir's military ranks is the Wyvern Brigade. Trained Cavalrymen train Day and night in the Agon Wastes to master the art of aerial combat and keep the whole of the nation safe from the fiercest of threats.


Akniri people most often follow the Pantheon of Verdai, with the most popular gods being Boudicca of War, Athenasius of Death, and Masamune of the Forge.

Foreign Relations

Aknir has a complicated history with foreign nations. Walled off and distant, Aknir is often seen as Xenophobic and Withdrawn from world issues to Western Countries like Lokrein and Nove Modai, but are seen as Martyrs and Heroes by their border neighbors for risking the countries existence to containing and slaying monsters.

With Order and Might, Continue the Fight


  • The Map of Aknir
  • The Capital City of Aknir: Sernos
    The capital city of Aknir and home to the reigning king, Mathias Ceineghus.
Founding Date
1 2E
Geopolitical, Country
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Ruling Organization
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System
Barter system
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles


Aknir and Gioveghanni have a relationship that barely exists. Aknir generally appreciates Gioveghanni, however, based on what little exists of Aknirs economy has boosted after opening a trade route through the Dire Straights. Despite this, however, Gioven's generally regard the Akniri Government as xenophobic and fascist.


Aknir and Halberghair share a disdain for each others way of life, the Akniri seeing the Halbens as unsettled savages and the Halbens seeing the Akniri as rigid slaves to a militaristic regime. Despite this, they have a mutual respect for each other considering the monstrous position they find themselves in.

Akniri Legal Code under his Majesty Mathias Ceinaghus:

  • For crimes consisting of any thievery ranging anywhere from Petty Theft to Grand Larceny, the perpetrator will pay a tithe to the Temples of Boudicca, Athanasios, and Masamune. This will ensure that the crime matches in effect for both the nobility and the common folk, as they will pay in ten percent of their total worth, three total times. If there is a second offense, the guilty party will pay their tithes in addition to the payment of a finger. On a third offense, the guilty party pays their tithe along with the payment of their hand opposite to the previously lost finger.
  • For crimes consisting of Smuggling, the payment is based on the smuggled commodity as outlined below:
Stolen Goods The Guilty will be removed from all stolen goods and receive punishment following the code for theft and larceny.
Illegal Drugs The Guilty will be subject to the immediate consumption of all illegal substances.
Magic Items and Weapons If the guilty party is found to be in possession of magic items in error, they will be relieved from their items immediately. However, if intentions are more sinister and the Guilty is found to be an intentional smuggler, they shall pay their fine as per theft and larceny and be placed under strict government surveillance.
Humanoids Those guilty of smuggling humanoids, better known as Trafficking, will pay for their crimes via the loss of both arms up to the elbow, both their big toes, and castration.
Mages Those Guilty of knowingly harboring mages will be considered treasonous, and subject to heavy fines and close governmental surveillance.
Monstrous Creatures and Races Those Guilty of harboring any monstrous creatures will be considered treasonous, and subject to immediate execution. You may find a list of monstrous creatures detailed below with notable examples.
Ilithid, Beholder, Utyugh
Owlbear, Displacer Beast, Mimic
Dragons, Half Dragons, Kobolds
Zombies, Ghosts, Flesh Golems
Goblins, Hobgoblins, Bugbears
Devils, Demons, Succubi/Incubus
Satyr, Centaur, Faeries
Werebeasts, Shifters
Trolls Beasts
Untamed Large Animals
Giants, Ettin, Fomorean
Gnolls Yuan-Ti Minotaur Changeling

  • For Crimes consisting of assault of persons or property, the guilty party will repay twice the damaged funds to the affected party and be subjected to two weeks of hard labor.
  • For crimes involving murder, the guilty party will be put to death.
  • For crimes involving treason, the guilty party will be put to death and their family will be subject to fines and heavy governmental surveillance.
  • For crimes against nobility, involving all  examples listed above, all original punishments are subject in addition to a public display involving the guilty party being set as a public display.
  • For crimes considering wizardry, which involves (but not limited to) spellcasting, making magic items, divination, charms, and hexes, the guilty party will be subject to one months imprisonment and interrogation, followed immediately by  public execution.

Articles under The Royal Providence of Aknir

  • 1 2E

    236 2E

    Her Majesty Akni Ceinaghus
    Political event

  • 236 2E

    252 2E

    Her Majesty Rut Ceinaghus
    Political event

  • 252 2E

    271 2E

    His Majesty Cormag Ceinaghus
    Political event

  • 271 2E

    334 2E

    His Majesty Dùghlas Ceinaghus I
    Political event

  • 334 2E

    399 2E

    Her Majesty Cailean Ceinaghus
    Political event

  • 399 2E

    432 2E

    His Majesty Aaron Ceinaghus
    Political event

  • 432 2E

    457 2E

    Her Majesty Aoife Ceinaghus
    Political event

  • 457 2E

    493 2E

    His Majesty Eoghan Ceinaghus
    Political event

  • 493 2E

    568 2E

    His Majesty Ailig Ceinaghus
    Political event

  • 568 2E

    621 2E

    Her Majesty Peigi Ceinaghus
    Political event

  • 621 2E

    635 2E

    His Majesty Sim Ceinaghus
    Political event

  • 635 2E

    669 2E

    HIs Majesty Iacob Ceinaghus
    Political event

  • 669 2E

    682 2E

    The Span Without a Sovereign

    In this time, the Sudden death of King Iacob had left a throne for a 7 year old Eister. Deeming her too young, King Iacobs Advisor, Rhoslyn, managed the country until Eister would be considered an adult at 20 years of age.

  • 682 2E

    743 2E

    Her Majesty Eistir Ceinaghus
    Political event

  • 743 2E

    826 2E

    Her Majesty Deoiridh Ceinaghus
    Political event

  • 826 2E

    858 2E

    His Majesty Manus Ceinaghus
    Political event

  • 858 2E

    874 2E

    His Majesty Dughlas Ceinaghus II
    Political event

  • 874 2E

    943 2E

    Her Majesty Eildhi Ceinaghus
    Political event

  • 943 2E

    966 2E

    His Majesty Andreas Ceinaghus
    Political event

  • 966 2E

    967 2E

    Her Majesty Braith Ceinaghus
    Political event

  • 967 2E

    His Majesty Mathias Ceinaghus
    Political event


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