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The Confederation of Greater Gioveghanni



Head of Security Federal Legislation Federal Judiciary Marchese/Marchesa
Gioveghanni's Navy
Giorgligharcia City Watch
Federal Council
Federal Liaison
Federal Attorneys
Head of Provincial Security Provincial Legislation Provincial Judiciary Barone/Baronessa
Provincial Army/Marines
Provincial Capitol City Watch
Provincial Council
Provincial Liason
Provincial Attorneys
Head Guard City Legislation City Judiciary
City Watch City Council City Attorneys


Gioveghanni is the trade capital of Verdai. The best artisans in the continent can be found anywhere from the culinary experts of Paluvedegi, to the Actors and Musicians of Terredore, and the expert Jewelers and Glass Workers in the depths of Marezzura. Nearly all of Gioveghanni has a deep appreciation for the arts, but the country also has a found focus on monster hunting thanks to the legends of the Gioven god, Carmico Vespucci. Enter a tavern in the beautiful capital of Giorgligharcia and you will be certain to hear the wild tales of some fisherman as they sip on Sanguine Swampberry while a bard or two sit on stage and perform the musings of a true master.

Public Agenda

Public trade and export is the primary focus of Gioveghanni. Its believed that the one country makes up near 40% of the continents economy. Aside from this, Gioveghanni also has a deep interest in pre-war research, and have been facing a pirate problem.


Gioveghanni was founded by Cesare Giovinco and the people of Marezzete, Paludegha, and Territia after The Eternal Dusk after the three countries discovered their efficiency when working together, as well as their similar cultures. In the first year of the second era, the three monarchs of each respective country met together and signed the Gioven Articles of Confederation, making Giovinco the first Visconte, as well as naming the country in his honor. The three monarchs would rename their position to Marchese (or Marchesa) and swear absolute fealty to the Visconte. After the death of the first monarch, of whom had no heirs, the position of Marchese would become democratically elected with a life term. Cesare Giovinco would declare that the Visconte would act similarly, himself having no interest in having a family dynasty.

Demography and Population

Population: 17 million 
Growth Rate: 1.4%


The two most worshipped gods in Gioveghanni are Helene and Vespucci for their influences on Beauty and the Sea, respectively. Masamune and Linnaeus are also held in high regard thanks to their domains of crafting and nature. Son'ka is shunned by the public as a thief who works naught but to ruin the livelihood of those who've earned their keep. And while Morgana is accepted as one who made magic more accessable toward aspiring bards, she is also distrusted due to the rigid tenets she has in line for the existence of "tamed" arcane magics.

Foreign Relations

Gioveghanni gets along with each country of Verdai extremely well. This is due in large part to the continents reliance on the Gioven economy.

United from the Waves of War

Founding Date
1 2E
Political, Confederation
Alternative Names
Gioveghanni, The Gioven Conference
Predecessor Organizations
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Gioven Marks
Legislative Body
A federal council of Gioven citizens nominated by the Visconte/Viscontessa and elected by the people. The council utilizes a liaison that tours the country and asks for local opinion on the direction of federal law.
Judicial Body
A small selection of judges nominated by the Visconte/Viscontessa and elected by the people.
Executive Body
The Visconte/Viscontessa and their personally selected Head of Security. The Head of Security is the only major federal position in Gioveghanni that is not elected by the people.
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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