Aran Nations

The territory controlled by the Aran Nations were part of a larger confederacy of Ceren tribes conquered by the Sarpadian Empire over 1,000 years ago. They were divided into 4 provinces held by the Sarpadians for more than 500 years . Rebellions and chaos were common during this time, as were harsh suppressive measures taken by the Sarpadians to keep the Cernovodan tribes under control.   After the fall of the Sarpadian Empire, Cernavoda was the first major kingdom to arise in former imperial territory, occupying most of present day Cernavoda and the Aran States. The core provinces that were most heavily influenced by imperial liefstyle and became the most urbanised were the 3 most southern provinces. It was this difference in beliefs, attitude and sense of identity that led quickly to a dissolution of the greater Cernavoda proclaimed in the wake of the Sarpadian fall. After more than 25 years of warfare, chaos and large scale clashes with marauders that the three southern provinces split away from the newly formed Cernovodan Kingdom in the north and formed the Republic of Aran.   Like all their neighbours, Aran was conquered and absorbed by the Helegu. In the time since, Aran has further divided into 3 distinct political entities:
  • Outer Aran - seperated from Cernovoda by the Antares River and the most pastoral of the 3 Aran nations
  • Inner Aran - have reverted to a more traditional way of life and the most heavily forested of the 3 Aran nations
  • Aran City-States - strung along the Odontoceti Sea coast it is the most mercantile, politically cohesive and militarily strongest of the 3 Aran nations
  The re-emergence of a strong Blue Host Helegu has once again brought Aran in conflict with the Helegu, with Outer Aran currently taking the brunt of Helegu incursions, with Inner Aran and the City States being constantly molested by raiding groups in a Helegu effort to keep the Aran from uniting their forces against them.

Aran deep forest  

Aran City-State of Mael
Geopolitical, Settlement
Alternative Names
Outer Aran, Inner Aran, Aran City-States
Predecessor Organization


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