
North of Semudan, Ruby Empire of Redin and south of Telehetti, stretching from the rainforests adjacent to the Leviathan Ocean to the dryer tropical forests of Zer lies the chaotic kingdom of Han-Hausa.   Dominated by the ethnic Hausan humans, the territory now controlled by Han-Hausa has seen the rapid rise and fall of many despots, kingdoms, tribal confederacies and warlords. The last time that all of Hausa was under the control of a foreign power was by Blue Star Empire of Azur Semudan.   The Hausan-Semud war lasted 25 years from start to finish and the Great university estimates that the original population of 2 million Hausan was reduced to less than 250,000 by the end end with equal numbers killed or sold into slavery. Within 15 years of final conquest, the Blue Star Empire disintegrated and Hausa was thrown into more than 300 years with no central rule.  The Great University estimates that the population is now 1.5 million and growing rapidly as many Hausan have started returning home i the past decade.   The Kingdom of Han-Hausa was established by the Warlord Han of Jobe in 1385, after he claimed victory against the final Hausan tribes opposing him at the Batlle of Tamba, where all opposing nobility were put to the sword and all non-noble tribe members were given the time from the burning of a ceremonial switch to surrender or die.   Since the Architeuthis Events, Han Hausan prophets and demogogues have run riot, and 3 kings & queens have been crowned and fallen.


Home of the Starless Communion

Rampaging Hausan Queen  

Primeval and dangerous rainforests of Han-Hausa
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
"the people"
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System
Mixed economy


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