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Hover Hauler Model 3S

This suit has seen better days. The TS-23 series was built for hauling heavy loads in hostile environments. Their low profile and plasma hovering allow it to traverse difficult terrain with ease. They are also well-known for high durability and are common in second-hand markets over the planets and stations. This particular specimen is covered with scratch marks, impact craters and illegal modifications from top to bottom.   A heavily modified mining laser is installed onto its head. It is powerful but poorly focused, likely modified from some mining equipment.    


Cold Gas Thrusters

physical, movement, acceleration


A type of rocket engine utilizing the rapid expansion of a liquid as proportion mass. Due to decompression, the exhaust is very cold and would be hardly detectable.


+1 speed towards a selected direction.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget

Weapons & Armament

Coil Gun

physical, attack, kinetic kill


Coil gun is a low-cost solution compared to a standard rail gun. It draws less power and produces less heat but in turn, has significantly lower power.


Penetrating, able to pass through small object unless otherwise stated. Unable to pass through large object
Release a projectile immediately onto a space next to the unit. Moves only during the next movement phase. The projectile contains the number of dice equivalent to the ARM of the ME Suits at the point of release.
Contact with small object instantly destroys the small object. Contact with large object initiates an ARM contest against MOV or TOR (chosen by the defender). Damage the target's durability by he amount the user win by. Damage -3.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
01Sublight, Speed 3

Junk COIL Drill (Unique)

Unique to Hover Hauler Model 3S
physical, attack, laser


A recycled Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser drill utilises a mixture of chemicals to yield a continuous beam. It is poorly focused in an attempt to increase its effective range.


Interceptable, interacts with the first small or large object it collides with.
Laser weapon, all damage caused increases HEAT only and cannot be dodged.
Follows the suit's movements.
Contact with small object instantly destroys it. Contact with large object initiates an ARM contest against TOR damage the target by he amount the user win by. Damage -3 due to the defused nature of this weapon.
Instead of a focused beam, this weapon fires a diffused beam that will also damage objects in spaces beside the path of the beam. The diffused part of the beam will only affect small objects

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
01Lightspeed, Range 3, Duration 2

Premonition Computation Array

digital, defence, detection


Utilizing sophisticated computers to predict enemy actions and movements.


CPU contest. If successful, GM has to confirm a selected enemy unit’s first action next turn within range.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
01Enemy, Range 5

Old Hydraulic Arm

physical, attack, manipulator


An old space station hydraulic arm capable of incredible force output.


Smart weapon, able to choose a specific target within range.
Interceptable, unable to interact when another object or terrain blocks its line of sight. Unable to interact with small objects.
Attach the target to the player. The attached target follows the player. Release has no cost.
Contact with large object will cause 3 flat durability damage to the target.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
01Sublight, Range 1

Armor and defense

Lenz’s Metal Deflector (Unique)

Unique to Hover Hauler Model 3S 
physical, defence, disruption


By focusing electromagnetic waves into a cone shape, the trajectory of metallic objects can be deflected via Lenz’s law.


Follows the suit's movements.
Place deflector token onto the selected adjacent space. Deflect any kinetic kill or plasmoid projectiles it contacts in a selected direction.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
03Space, Duration 2


Risk Assessment Suite

digital, defence, mitigation


A series of connected sensors, microcomputers and countermeasures to allow advanced warning and avoidance of environmental dangers.


Ignore the outcome of the next environmental effect.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget

Hangars & docked vessels

Recon Drone

physical, misc, drone


A small drone that is capable of only basic functions.


Places a Recon Drone on an adjacent spacee.
The drone can utilize one of the following basic actions per turn:
Destroyed upon any collision with small or large objects .
Only 1 drone can be deployed at a time by the player.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
3S Hauler
Hauler (Hover) 3S

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