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Quadrupedal Long Range Surveyer, Variant 146

Before the construction of any planetary establishments, surveying is one of the most important but also dangerous steps. Sinkholes and cave-ins are so common that surveying has been officially rated to be one of the deadliest jobs in the solar system.   To minimize the death rate of surveying teams, special ME suits like this one has been made with specialized detection and mobility options that enable a strong defence and a quick escape when faced with extreme dangers.    

Power Generation

Auxiliary Alternator

digital, defence, enhancement


Most suits today are powered by inertial confinement fusion reactors . They are extremely efficient, eliminating energy problems on ships and ME Suits . A supplemental alternator can be added to this system that slightly reduces fuel efficiency but provides a temporary boost of power when needed.


Add 3 points to the next contest's result this turn.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget



physical, movement, reactive


When the moment of inertia decreases, angular velocity increases to conserve angular momentum. Using this to a suit’s advantage, by pulling in all external components, a suit can change direction much faster.


Reactive skill. Within its duration, activate when a collision happens with a large or small object.
When activated, move into a random adjacent space and change the direction of movement randomly. +2G

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
01Self, for 1 turn

Weapons & Armament

Helical Railgun (Unique)

Unique to Quadrupedal Long Range Surveyer, Variant 146
physical, attack, kinetic kill


A helical railgun is a cross between a rail gun and a coil gun. It utilizes both rails and helical barrels to accelerate its projectile.


Penetrating, able to pass through small object unless otherwise stated. Unable to pass through large object
Release a projectile immediately onto a space next to the unit. Moves only during the next movement phase. The projectile contains the number of dice equivalent to the ARM of the ME Suits at the point of release.
Contact with small object instantly destroys the small object. Contact with large object initiates an ARM contest against MOV or TOR (chosen by the defender). Damage the target's durability by the amount the user win by. Damage +3.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
02Sublight, Speed 3

Armor and defense

Plasma Blast Ports (Unique)

Unique to Quadrupedal Long Range Surveyer, Variant 146
physical, defence, disruption


When deployed, it outputs a thin layer of high-pressure plasma exhaust that vaporizes projectiles and diffracts laser. The heat output is so high that it often melts the surface of the suit it is protecting.


Follows the suit's movements.
Place deflector token onto the selected adjacent space. Removes small objects that come into contact and stop lasers that come into contact.
When the deflector token come into contact with a large objects both the player and the large object suffers 5 HEAT damage instead of damage caused by large object collision.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
03Space, Duration 1

Micro Kinetic Kill Point Defence

physical, defence, point defence


A micro kinetic kill vehicle is one of the earliest forms of defence in space. Through high-speed impact, it can detonate warheads and shatter micro asteroids. In some cases, a well-placed KKV can even deflect a rail gun round.


Remove a small object of choice within range, except lasers, shields and other non-destructible small objects.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
01Range 2


Structure Analyser

digital, defence, detection


Scan target utilizing a series of sensors optimized for structural analysis. Able to detect weaknesses not visible through sight.


SEN contest. The next attack this turn has an advantage to the attacker.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
01Enemy, Range 5

Sampling Drill

digital, defence, detection


A low-speed diamond-tipped carbide drill bit, able to penetrate most material given time. Material received from the drill is then analysed for composition and storage.


Choose one of the following effects

  • The player can ask the GM a question about the location sampled. The GM will answer within reason.

  • CPU contest. If successful, +2 ARM on the next attack this turn.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
01Space, Range 1

Multi-spectrum Sensor

digital, defence, detection


Utilizing machine learning, sensor data from multiple spectrums can be combined to reveal objects normally not easily detectable.


Locate all hidden objects in range. Choose 1 of them to identify with a SEN contest .

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
01Space, Range 2

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