
Known as Dú Lóth by the locals the name literally translates as "Night Flower" from Im Nen Elven to Emserian Common. However, centuries of mispronunciation has led to the adoption of the name Nightgrove. Despite its innacuracy the name has been adopted by the cartographers of The Arcanum and nearly of the cities residents.


The city of Nightgrove is home to many families of Im Nen Elves and Half-Elf. The populations of each group is always in fluctuations as many groups and famlies relocate within the city during the end of Harvest and Hibernal, but Im Nen Elven citizens typically make up the bulk of Nightgrove's population. The city's average level of education is higher than the nearest human cities of Hyule and Emser due to the cities required education programs for children. Unlike many Human and Ferdir Ah' Dain families the communal nature of the Im Nen Elven create a larger amount of children and permanent residents to oversee the upbringing of the younger generation of Elves. The ratio of children to adults is slightly less than 2:1 due to the city's role as a safe haven for Im Nen Elven children prior to their graduation into trades outside of the city limits.


Nightgrove is governed by a council of Im Nen Elves that report to the Lord of Night. While the council is responsible for the administration of the cities municipal services such as food distribution, waste removal, home construction, military service and education the Lord of Night personally oversees foreign relations, military alliances and criminal justice. The counsel is typically made up of a rotating membership that numbers between 12 and 20 people but the members are almost exclusively Im Nen Elven excepting the brief membership of the half-elf Aurelian Augustus, Fifth of Their Name.


The buildings of city itself are located high above the ground in the branches of the forest's Century Trees. Initially when the city was little more than a collection of huts on stilts, the homes were placed high to avoid the frequent flooding of the forest floor and to avoid predation from animals. As more and more people built homes they began to climb higher and higher. As a result of this climbing the trees became interconnected with a series of bridges and walkways. Many inhabitants transit across Nightgrove via zipline and swing. Goods are typically transported by hand or via the cities series of pullies and cargo trollies that crisscross the arboreal metropolis. Water is funneled through hollow vines and tree limbs to centralized collection wells that collect rain water and the natural runoff from the Century Tree that occurs throughout the year as the trees excrete purified water from deep underground. The more well populated trees and larger structures even have internal plumbing for freshwater and wastewater removal.    Due to the city being constructed in a forest, fire is a constant issue that many of the city work hard to mitigate. In the occasion that a fire does occur on a tree or within several domiciles water filled vines can be cut open to quickly drench an active conflagration. If a tree is deemed to be too much of a risk to the rest of the city due to fire, the walkways and infrastructure can be cut away and separated to isolate a burning tree and avoid colateral damage to additional structures.
Founding Date
4120 PA
Alternative Name(s)
Dú Lóth
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank