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History of Human Space

  • 2062

    First permanent space settlement

    The first permanent settlement off Earth is founded at Luna's south pole. The outpost is used as a jumping off point for human exploration beyond the Earth-Luna planetary system.

  • 2069

    First crewed interplanetary mission

    A massive international effort results in the first humans setting foot on another planet (Mars).

  • 2094

    Earth's population reaches 10 billion

    Earth's population surpasses the 10 billion milestone.

  • 2095

    First human clone
    Technological achievement

    A human being is cloned for the first time.

  • 2097

    Founding of SUN

    An alliance of democratic spacefaring nations forms Spacefaring United Nations to cooperate on interplanetary settlement efforts.

  • 2100

    Asteroid mining
    Technological achievement

    The first mining operation in Sol's asteroid belt leads to decreased costs for building space infrastructure.

  • 2107

    Energy shortage riots
    Criminal Activity

    Worldwide rioting forces authorities to focus on renewable energy production and reduction of energy demand.

  • 2114

    Martian citizenship requirements
    Political event

    Mars establishes requirements for citizenship associated with fulfilling civic duty.

  • 2119

    Pantheism revival
    Religious event

    The erection of the first pantheistic monument to a local deity on another world marks the beginning of a revival in pantheistic religion.

  • 2123

    Invention of Carbonic
    Technological achievement

    Carbonic is a carbon-based biogenic compound used for lightweight but durable construction and also processed into a renewable energy source. With its invention, the construction of city-sized buildings and space elevators becomes possible.

  • 2125

    First space elevator
    Construction beginning/end

    Completion of first space elevator based at the south pole of Luna, utilizing some carbonic components, lowers the cost of shipping between Earth and the other planets.

  • 2130

    Settlement of Europa

    The founding of the Europa settlement marks the beginning of permanent human habitation in the outer solar system.

  • 2134

    First arcology
    Construction beginning/end

    The first arcology houses an entire city of millions of people inside a single structure.

  • 2136

    First carbonic space elevator
    Construction beginning/end

    While not the first space elevator in existence, Earth's first space elevator dramatically lowers the cost of importing and exporting to the rest of the solar system. Construction of a space elevator on Earth is only possible with all-carbonic construction.

  • 2137

    Resurgence of live theater
    Cultural event

    Live artistic performances surpass electronic media in popularity.

  • 2138

    First operational cloning facility
    Construction beginning/end

    The first cloning facility intended to boost population growth on an offworld settlement opens.

  • 2154

    Invention of holographic projection
    Technological achievement

    The first true holographic projection without the use of optical illusions is created.

  • 2156

    Reduction Economy
    Financial Event

    Earth’s economy shifts to one based on efficiency and reducing consumption.

  • 2156

    Per capita energy consumption peaks

    For the first time since the Industrial Revolution, per capita energy consumption stops increasing. Energy disparity shrinks as the wealthy consume less energy and the poor consume more energy.

  • 2157

    Darien Gap Bridge Tunnel Complex
    Construction beginning/end

    A series of bridges and tunnels through the Darien Gap connects North and South America.

  • 2163

    First non-cloning creche

    The first creche intended for use by all children, whether clones or not, begins operation.

  • 2167

    Anti-arcology riots
    Criminal Activity

    Conservative segments of the population riot against perceived threats to traditional nationalism from arcology society.

  • 2196

    Nationalism riots
    Criminal Activity

    Conservative segments of the population riot against increasing global cooperation.

  • 2221

    First antimatter power planet
    Technological achievement

    Commercial antimatter power leads to lower energy costs and affordable wearable tech for most workers.

  • 2228

    Solar System colonized

    A crewed expedition to Triton means that no major worlds remain unvisited by humans. The solar system is considered fully colonized from this point on.

  • 2229

    World government established
    Political event

    The United Nations is officially named the ultimate political authority. Recognized by 90% of the world's population, the UN government becomes the de facto ruling body over the Earth.

  • 2229

    Earth's population reaches 18 billion

    Earth's population peaks just above the 18 billion mark.

  • 2230


    Interplanetary War
    Military: War

    Worlds settled by autocratic states prior to the recognition of the United Nations as the ultimate governing body declare their independence from Earth rule. Over nearly 50 years, the United Nations sends military expeditions to regain control over the rebellious worlds.

  • 2251

    Minimum energy costs
    Financial Event

    The per-unit cost of producing power reaches an all-time low.

  • 2265

    Invention of the Space-Time Warp Drive
    Technological achievement

    The space-time warp drive allows humans to visit worlds beyond the solar system.

  • 2300

    Founding of Federal Interstellar Government
    Political event

    The United Nations creates a higher political authority for governing all humanity and managing human expansion into space, the Federal Interstellar Government.

  • 2314

    Government-sponsored creches
    Political event

    The Federal Government establishes creches as a form of public service, alongside state schools, the military, public libraries, hospitals, police and fire services, mail delivery, etc. Guardianship becomes a form of civil service.

  • 2324

    Rapture Riots
    Religious event

    Fearful of ongoing research into hyperspace, Christians on Earth revolted against the Interstellar Government, which they viewed as bringing on the anti-christ.

  • 2349

    Invention of the Hyperspace-4 Drive
    Technological achievement

    Hyperspace routes allow for faster travel to regions far away from the solar system. People begin migrating toward hyperspace nodes and away from more remote worlds. Some prosperous settlements are driven to economic ruin by the new hyperspace routes.

  • 2357

    Universalism officially sanctioned
    Religious event

    Universalism is officially adopted and sanctioned by the Federal Interstellar Government.

  • 2389

    Settlement of Freehaven

    Freehaven is settled for its location near a major hyperspace-4 route, its abundant water, and native bacterial life.

  • 2400

    Settlement of Gamble

    The planet Gamble is settled to mine essene for starship coolant systems.

  • 2408

    Fall of the Citadel

    The Federally-appointed governor on Freehaven is deposed.

  • 2456

    Temple of Fortune constructed
    Construction beginning/end

    The Temple of Fortune on Freehaven is completed.

  • 2473

    Universalism becomes largest religion
    Religious event

    Universalism becomes the most commonly practiced belief system throughout Human Space.

  • 2488

    Invention of the Hyperspace-5 Drive
    Technological achievement

    Even more remote regions of space are suddenly open to human settlement. The sudden introduction of new hyperspace routes causes some world economies to boom and others to bust.

  • 2492

    Lady Luck Hotel & Casino built
    Construction beginning/end

    The small inn that would eventually grow into a major tourist hotspot on Freehaven is built along an obscure stretch of coast.

    Lady Luck Casino
  • 2555

    Anti-hyperspace riots
    Criminal Activity

    Riots break out across Human Space in protest of the seemingly reckless establishment of new hyperspace routes that drastically change the economic landscape.

  • 2582

    Lady Luck Casino built
    Construction beginning/end

    The modern-day Lady Luck Casino building is completed.

    Lady Luck Casino
  • 2586

    Dustborn is born
    Life, Birth

    Dustborn is born.

  • 2590

    The Singularity
    Technological achievement

    The singularity is defined as the moment that artificial intelligence finally achieved human levels of cognizance through machine learning. This allows for the construction of the first true androids.

  • 2601

    First Secession Congress
    Gathering / Conference

    Leaders from remote worlds gather to discuss possible secession from the Federal Interstellar Union.

  • 2609

    Founding of Synthism
    Religious event

    The android religion Synthism is founded.

  • 2627

    Invention of the Hyperspace-6 Drive
    Technological achievement

    As with the introduction of the hyperspace-5 drive, more distant regions of space become open to exploration and settlement. Again, there are drastic changes in the economic fortunes of various worlds.

  • 2635


    Adira is born
    Life, Birth

    Adira is born to nomadic essene miners on the planet Gamble.

  • 2646


    Interstellar Civil War
    Military: War

    The People's Alliance attempts to break away from the Federal Interstellar Government. Conflict arises over expansion restrictions, hyperspace development, and economic policy.

  • 2646

    Founding of People's Alliance
    Political event

    A loose collection of remote worlds form the People's Alliance, a diplomatic, military, and political organization intended to secure the independence of all member states.

  • 2653


    Battle of Gamble
    Military: Battle

    An Alliance fleet destroys a Federal fleet in orbit around Gamble. The Alliance destroys significant mining and industrial equipment on the surface of the planet before retreating.

  • 2654


    Dustborn dies
    Life, Death

    Dustborn dies while performing critical repairs on life support equipment to sustain the rest of the caravan.

  • 2654


    Adira and Helen leave Gamble
    Life, Relocation

    Adira and Helen leave Gamble as refugees and head to Freehaven with intent to make their way to the Interstellar Naval Academy on Earth.

  • 2654


    Adira and Helen arrested
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Adira and Helen are arrested by police on the Freehaven space station for discussing military starship activity.

  • 2654


    Sam boards the Sergeant York
    Life, Relocation

    Sam boards the destroyer Sergeant York, which is bound for a rendezvous with a combat fleet.

  • 2654


    Adira and Helen visit the Temple of Fortune
    Life, Relocation

    Adira and Helen visit the Temple of Fortune and soon take up residency there as custodians.

  • 2655


    Anti-Fortune riots
    Criminal Activity

    Mobs lay siege to the Temple of Fortune on Freehaven.

  • 2655


    Adira and Helen leave Freehaven
    Life, Relocation

    Adira and Helen leave Freehaven with orders to begin classes at the Interstellar Naval Academy.
