Character Creation in Iuernia

This article is intended to help players create characters that are immersed in the Iuernia setting. While it is possible that a creature could travel across the world, or venture from the Realms Beyond, this character may not fit the narrative tone of the campaign. If you are creating a character from one of the Exotic Lineages listed below, please communicate this with the DM to ensure that the character fits the shared narrative.  
Common Lineages
  The lineages below are groups of creatures that are not tied narratively to a geographic location in Iuernia. The Disembodied, Serée Elves, Giantblud, and Tieflings are rare in Iuernia - but they appear throughout the world.  

The Disembodied

Though predominantly associated with the tragedy at Ulmyr's Gate, the Disembodied can be found anywhere a mage has failed to cast themselves into the Realms Beyond. This horrific fate has been used as a cautionary tale for young mages for generations, but hubris ensures that more fill the ranks of this obscure lineage every year.  


Dwarves are a stout and hardy folk, preferring the depths of the mountains in their home of Myropa over the bleak world above. These talented craftsmen are known for their dedication to their specific craft. Over the past few centuries, dwarves have migrated as far south as the Rampérean capitol of Antronec to ply their trades and sell their wares, and their surnames have become synonymous with fine craftsmanship.  


The term "elf" is a vague term for a diverse people. Once Serée Elves themselves, the more common elves lost their connection with the crystal cities ages ago. After severing ties with the Imperium, the elven tribes of Iuernia discovered that they took on certain aspects of their newly adopted homelands. The wood elves of the Grymclover Forests and the sand elves of the H'rethi Desert are examples of this phenomenon.  


Great titans were believed to walk the earth in the centuries before the dragons held dominion over Iuernia. Hulking monstrosities that were vaguely man-like, but frightening to behold. Giants and trolls came next, still massive but easier to believe. The Giantblud are the latest iteration of this lineage. They are more commonly found in the vast tundra of Myropa, in the shadow of the mountains that protect the dwarven clanholds. Harsh winters and viscious monsters have forced the giantkin to migrate south and into the lands of other peoples.  


The little people are found wherever they can group together to survive the harsh conditions of Iuernia. The enmity between goblins and elves is well-documented, and the latter hunted goblins like vermin for generations. In the modern day, liberal sensibilities has given way to allow goblins to live in most settlements. That has not meant that they are welcomed in most homes, businesses, or social events. This has forced the goblins to hide their true nature through disguises and enchantments, or seek the open road to avoid the challenges of their existence.  


Humans, though populous, have not been the main lineage in Iuernia for long. Humans were not allowed to live openly under the Serée Imperium, and many fled across The Sea in search of a life apart from the elves. Others lived in hiding amongst the dwarves and the orcs in hope of remaining in their homes. They have proven themselves resilient, and in the years since the Imperium have returned to Serénia in abundance.  
Exotic Lineages


The centaur are a tribal people that live far from the busy hubs of Iuernia. They may be found in small communities in the Grymclover Forest, but primarily live in the steppes of Asiliam near Val Linsin.  


A changeling can be found anywhere in Iuernia, but not without purpose. They are inextricably linked with the Feyrealms. Most younger changelings live in one of the three Fae kingdoms, and travel into Iuernia to steal children or create mischief on behalf of their benefactors. Changelings choosing to continue to live in Iuernia have likely replaced a child that they have carried back into the Feyrealms. This, for the changeling, is a form of retirement.


The genasi of Iuernia are fantastical creatures with direct ties to the Realms Beyond. Most people live their entire lives without encountering one of the genie-folk. They are mostly accepted in larger cities, but would be mistrusted in smaller towns, villages, and hamlets. Playing a genasi would require the player to consider carefully where they come from, and why they are in Iuernia instead of their elemental homeland.


The eladrin do not exist in Iuernia. Extraplanar travelers speak of having encountered these fey in the Feyrealms, but few long-lasting contacts have occurred to this point in history.


This race of extraplanar beings were some of the first encountered by Iuernians seeking to explore the Realms Beyond. These whimsical creatures inhabit the borders of the Aethereal Sea, on the pieces of "land" that border incursion areas. Though mostly well-meaning, their attempts to interact with the Material Plane are easily confused with hauntings.


It's hard to live past the errors of history, and the dragonkin feel this pain more than most. In ages past, their ancestors marched a bloody path through most of the civilized world, under orders of the dragon generals. When the ancient Serée elves, and their allies, forced the dragons back to their island homes, the dragonkin were outlawed from the mainland under threat of death. In the modern era, dragonkin mostly remain in Dorikon. Those that travel into the mainland of Serénia are allowed, but are met with distrust and bigotry.


The kobolds suffer many of the same indignaties of their dragonkin cousins, but are not seen as a threat by many of the mainlanders. Kobolds form their own warrens in many of the larger cities in southern Serénia, but few elect to leave the security of their pack. A lone kobold, even if traveling among adventurers, likely has a very important reason for doing so.


The lizardfolk of Iuernia are extremely rare among the many peoples of the world. They mostly stick to their swamps in the Samayran Wastes, and are not friendly to outsiders encroaching on their ancestral territory. Over the past few generations, however, a cult of reptile-worshippers have been relocating kurokodairu eggs into cities and towns in Serénia and across The Sea.


The scaith are elves that unwillingly lost the blessings of the Crystal Cities, long before The Schism brought an end to the Serée Imperium. These elves live deep beneath the surface, in the Realms Below, and rarely come to the surface. More than any other elf, the scaith despise goblinoids and would be unlikely to allow one to live in their presence.

Serée Elf

The elves of the old Serée Imperium had a deep affinity for their crystal cities. Each of these cities imbued their denizens with unique magic, specific to their city. The moon elves of Taer Valaestas, the sun elves of Taer Lian, and the star elves of Taer Doresh have fought to preserve this bond into the present day, and are loath to leave their cities for fear of losing it.  


The devilkin of Iuernia have a tough life ahead of them. It is rare for tieflings to have children of their own, let alone form their own communities. It's far more likely that a tiefling is born to parents of a different lineage. This is believed to be the result of a dark bargain with a creature from the Realm Below. Their resemblence to the more common fiends of that place do little to dissuade the masses from believing this.  


Also known as half-dryads or saplings, the tree-bound of Iuernia hail from the Grymclover Forest and are the product of a union between a dryad and a mortal. Though they can live outside the Forest, most do not choose to leave. Due to their fey nature, they are drawn to love and beauty, specifically the wild beauty of untamed nature.


The Uttah of the H'rethi Desert are a cursed people. They were once a different race, likely elves or humans, but were transformed by an ancient curse in one of the deserts many tombs. They have banded together in a small community and travel the desert together as merchants, raiders, vagabonds, and guides. An uttah living outside of the desert is seen as an oddity.
Unknown Lineages
  The world of Iuernia is constantly expanding. Incursions from the Realms Beyond, brought on by the rampant colonialsim of the nations of Serénia, are introducing new people and problems to the world. Pockets of the world that have remained unexplored for centuries are yielding whole communities of people that were unknown before. As our characters continue to explore the world, they will learn of these new lineages and cultures, and they will be added to this list.  

Helpful Videos

  What Makes a Good D&D Character by Pointy Hat - 22:56
  On Being an Evil Character | Running the Game by Matthew Colville - 30:11
  How to give your D&D character a personality by Ginny Di - 14:26
  Is your D&D character too perfect? by Ginny Di - 12:32
  Backstories don't have to be tragic to be interesting by Ginny Di - 9:39
  Developing a voice for your roleplay character (WITHOUT accents!) by Ginny Di - 12:41
  10 tips for shy roleplayers by Ginny Di - 13:16
Player Classes in Iuernia
Iuernia is a vast and varied land. Though many of its people are caught in the yoke of an unyielding war, there are others who are exceptional and able to turn the tides of this conflict. Below is a list of Classes and Subclasses to describe your character and how they interact with the world.
  A "*" depicts a homebrew subclass
A "†" depicts a subclass that is unique to a region

Playable Classes / Subclasses

  • Alchemist
  • Armorer
  • Artillerist
  • Battle Smith

  •   Barbarian
  • Path of the Ancestral Guardian
  • Path of the Beast
  • Path of the Fractured*
  • Barbarian - Path of the Infernal*
  • Barbarian - Path of the Juggernaut*
  • Barbarian - Path of Nightmares*
  • Path of the Primal Spirit*
  • Path of the Totem Warrior
  • Barbarian - Path of Spirits*
  • Path of the Storm Herald
  • Path of Wild Magic†
  • Path of the Zealot

  •   Bard
  • College of Adventures*
  • Bard - College of Alchemy*
  • Bard - College of Dance*
  • Bard - College of Four Suits*
  • College of Glamour
  • Bard - College of Grandmother's Tales*†
  • College of Lore
  • Bard - College of Mercantile
  • College of Requiems*
  • College of Spirits
  • College of Swords
  • Bard - College of Tragedy*
  • College of Valor
  • College of Whispers

  •   Cleric
  • Arcana Domain
  • Cleric - Blood Domain*
  • Cleric - Carillon Domain*†
  • Creation Domain*
  • Death Domain
  • Eldritch Domain*
  • Cleric - Festus Domain*
  • Forge Domain
  • Grave Domain
  • Inquisition Domain*†
  • Knowledge Domain
  • Light Domain
  • Life Domain
  • Nature Domain
  • Tempest Domain
  • Trickery Domain
  • War Domain
  • Wealth Domain*

  •   Druid
  • Druid - Circle of the Blighted*
  • Circle of Blood*
  • Druid - Circle of Dragons*†
  • Circle of Dreams
  • Circle of the Grove*†
  • Circle of the Land (Artic, Coast, Desert, Forest, Grassland, Mountain, Swamp, Underdark)
  • Circle of the Moon
  • Circle of Mutation*
  • Circle of Spores
  • Circle of Stars
  • Druid - Circle of the Storm*
  • Circle of Wildfire

  •   Fighter
  • Arcane Archer
  • Battle Master
  • Bulwark Warrior*
  • Cavalier
  • Champion
  • Eldritch Knight
  • Living Crucible*
  • Meteor Knight*†
  • Psi Warrior
  • Rune Knight
  • Samurai†
  • Shieldbearer*
  • Fighter - Steel Hawk*†

  •   Monk
  • Monk - Way of the Aether*†
  • Way of the Ascendent Dragon
  • Way of the Astral Self
  • Way of the Drunken Master
  • Way of the Four Elements
  • Way of the Kensei†
  • Way of the Leaden Crown*
  • Way of the Long Death
  • Monk - Way of the Meridian*†
  • Way of the Open Hand
  • Way of Pride*
  • Way of Shadow
  • Way of the Sun Soul

  •   Monster Hunter
  • Carver Guild
  • Trapper Guild

  •   Paladin
  • Oath of the Ancients
  • Oath of Conquest
  • Oath of the Crown
  • Oath of Devotion
  • Oath of Glory
  • Oath of Pestilence*
  • Oath of Redemption
  • Paladin - Oath of the Spelldrinker*†
  • Oath of Vengeance
  • Oath of the Watchers
  • Paladin - Oath of the Watchtower*†
  • Oath of Zeal*
  • Oathbreaker

  •   Ranger
  • Angler*
  • Beast Master
  • Drakewarden
  • Fey Wanderer
  • Gloomstalker
  • Green Reaper*
  • Horizon Walker†
  • Hunter
  • Ranger - Marshwarden*†
  • Monster Slayer
  • Ranger - Rocborne*†
  • Swarmkeeper
  • Vermin Lord*

  •   Rogue
  • Arcane Trickster
  • Assassin
  • Blood Thief*
  • Rogue - Grim Surgeon*†
  • Rogue - The Heretic*
  • Highway Rider
  • Inquisitive
  • Mastermind
  • Misfortune Bringer
  • Phantom
  • Scout
  • Soulknife
  • Swashbuckler
  • Thief

  •   Sorcerer
  • Aberrant Mind
  • Clockwork Soul
  • Sorcerer - Desert Soul*†
  • Divine Soul
  • Draconic Bloodline
  • Fey Soul*†
  • Haunted*
  • Runechild*
  • Sorcerer - Second Soul*
  • Shadow Magic
  • Storm Sorcery
  • Titan Heart*†
  • Sorcerer - Wicked Witch*†
  • Wild Magic
  • Wretched Bloodline*

  •   Warlock
  • The Archfey
  • The Celestial
  • The Fathomless
  • The Fiend
  • The First Vampire*†
  • The Genie†
  • The Great Old One
  • Warlock - The Hag*†
  • The Hexblade
  • Warlock - The Lithic*
  • Warlock - The Many*
  • The Parasite*
  • The Undead
  • The Undying
  • Warlock - The Valiant*

  •   Wizard
  • Bladesinging
  • Wizard - Hedge Mage*†
  • Wizard - Plague Doctor*
  • Order of Scribes
  • School of Abjuration
  • Wizard - School of Blood Magic*
  • School of Conjuration
  • School of Divination
  • School of Enchantment
  • School of Evocation
  • School of Illusion
  • School of Necromancy
  • Wizard - School of Sangromancy
  • School of Transmutation
  • Wizard - School of Wand Lore*†
  • War Magic

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