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Emperor Valador the 5th

Emperor Valador the 5th Valador

Before Empress Veiatama the 7th ruled the Celestial Empire, it was ruled by her father, Emperor Valador the 5th. Valadoreon was a much more traditional ruler than his daughter, reinforcing the belief of the superiority of the Celestial race, and the idea of divine destiny of the Celestial Empire to control the galaxy.   He was responsible for the Human Celestial Conflict. He declared that it was an afront to the Celestial race that another species would have their own interestallar empire within HIS galaxy. Inevitably the Celestial Empire won the conflict, but it was a bitter victory where they were only able to win through sheer numbers and technological superiority. The Humans had greater tactics and fighting skills, and took down a disproportunately high number of his ships. The conflict took a toll on his mental state, which led to him stepping down and allowing his very capable (yet disfigured) daughter to take his place.   When his daughter is captured by the Demon posessed Ulefric Genome on the world of Kairothia III, he retakes his position as interim leader of the Empire and tries desperately to get her back from his clutches. Because he loved his daughter greatly, he came to the world of Kairothia III personally, along with a fleet consisting of 5% of the Empires military might. This however, was a horendous trap, and most of his fleet was destroyed by Ulefric Genome's newly developed psychic powers, demonic in origin.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Valador was of average health for an unathletic Celestial.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Valador grew up believing in the core values of the Celestial Empire, and had an otherwise unremarkable upbringing for son of royal blood. He became Emperor after his father the previous emperor died.   During his reign as Emperor/Empress, he reinforced the existing core values of the Celestial Empire and the superiority of its people, and furthered its reach. He had one daughter with a noble woman, and named her "Veiatama" after a previous Empress of the Celestial Empire, and had her raised within his royal palace. While his daughter grew up, she seemed to excel in academic and mental developmen, but lagged behind in physical development. According to his personal doctor, her slow growth was the result of a genetic deficiency. By the time she was an adult, she was less than half the height of an average woman her age. He became worried about her wellbeing, and also that she would be unable to bear children herself, and become the end of his bloodline. He entertained the possibility of having another child with another woman, but he also believed that Veiatama's mental strengths would make her a great Empire. He also struggled to find the time due to the pressures of ruling an empire. The incoming conflict would make things even worse for him.   When the first contact with Humans was made, he imediately saw them as a threat. Not because they were strong, but because of what they represented to him, and what they could become if left on their own. They were a fast-growing civilization with rapidly advancing technology, and was expanding its reach through the use of its own FTL technology. Nothing like this had ever been encountered before by the Celestial Empire. He gave the order to eliminate them before they could pose a real threat.   Valador saw that the fight was largely one-sided to due to the numbers and technology of the Celestials, but also noticed that the Humans held their own astonishingly well well. Not only that, but a fairly large amount of them managed to slip away while their warriors held back the might of the his armies. He saw the Human fighters give their lives to save the civilian population. For the first time ever, the antiquated combat strategies of his empire had been exposed and exploited by an enemy. Despite the victory, he felt humiliated and unfit to rule. When the conflict was over, he stepped down and left the rule of his empire to his daughter.


Valador was very reserved, and would only copulate for the porpose of producing a heir or heiress.


Valador received an average education for a nobleman.


Valador served as Emperor for over 20 years, until he stepped down for his daughter to take over due to fatigue.

Intellectual Characteristics

Average intelligence for a Celestial.

Morality & Philosophy

  • Might is right
  • protect what you love
  • crush your enemies

Personality Characteristics


Valador is motivated to protect and expand his Empire.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Closed minded
  • Easily fatigued by the stress of ruling an Empire



Extremely reserved an unremarkable for a Celestial.


Empress Veiatama the 7th

Daughter (Vital)

Towards Emperor Valador the 5th



Emperor Valador the 5th

Father (Vital)

Towards Empress Veiatama the 7th




Veiatama's relationship with her father is complicated. They both love each other very much, and have a great deal of respect for each other. However, they have wildly differing opinions of how an Empire should be run.    While Valador was very reserved and traditional, Veiatama is very critical towards the traditional way of ruling the Empire. She has a much more rationalist approach to philosophy, and rejects the view that her species, the Celestial race is superior, suggesting that they simply had a head start, and were lucky to have reached this level of power earlier than any other species in the galaxy.   Valador always knew of his daughters gifted intellect. In fact he was so excited to see what she would do that he willingly stepped down from his rule early, so that she could get started earlier. He began to regret this decision as she seemed gradually tear down all of the old values that were traditionally held by the Celestial Empire. When he learned that she was trying to gain a peaceful relationship with the Human race, this was the last straw. He had to have a talk with her and correct what he believed to be a grave mistake. His worst fears were realized when she was kidnapped by a powerful Human with unexpalinable strength and powers.

irises burgundy on the inside, fades into deep purple on the outside
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale cyan color
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Celestial language


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