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Empress Veiatama the 7th (Vay-A-TA-MA)

Empress Veiatama the 7th Veiatama Vuldarian

The current Empress of the celestial Empire, of the Vuldarian family. Being wise beyond her years, she was given the opportunity to start her reign early by her father, despite having a rare genetic condition which made her physically weak. She is most commonly seen sitting on her throne with two of her hand-picked male bodyguards/attendants positioned to her left and right.   When the moon of Kairothia III was discovered, she was intrigued. She had spent the majority of her life on the planet Tseiba, where her father and his aides pampered her. By Celestial standards, Tseiba was considered the most habitable and comfortable world. When she learned that the newly discovered Kairothia III could be even better than the home planet of her people, she had to see it for herself. It was here that she learned the truth of her Empire, and her life changed forever.   When she first learned of the existance of Humans on the planet, she was strongly advised to leave immedately for her own safety. However, she refused, and instead ordered her troops to attempt to contact the Humans, and to bring one to her. She had heard about Humans from her father and the elders growing up who told her of their supposed savagery, but she was shocked to learn that none of them had ever seen a Human for themself, that everything she was told was just heresay. She had to see one for herself, to learn if they really were as savage as she was told. She knew what Humans represented to her father, and to many of the more traditional Tseibajeen], but she didn't share their traditionalist beliefs, and wanted to take a more rational approach. After seeing a @[Human for herself and communicating with one via a translator, she concludes that Humans are just people like them, and that perhaps the Empire was wrong to villainize them. She releases the human and ponders what to do next. She can't let this continue, she has to do something about it. As she is returning to her ship to return to orbit, she and her attendants and guards are ambushed by Ulefric Genome and some other Demon possessed humans bent on vengeance. Her guards and attendants are all killed, and she is kidnapped.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is very weak and frail due to a rare genetic deficiency. Even compared to a human she is very delicate. Her genetic condition causes her to easily pass out when she overexerts herself, so she is always accompanied by her trusted attendants. When she is on a mothership or other spacefaring vessel, she stays in a special chamber where the artificial gravity is reduced to about 25%, so she can stand and walk around without difficulty. When she is on the surface of a planet or in a situation where artificial gravity can't be reduced, she spends most of her time sitting to avoid the physical toll of walking. Her throne has been modified to be mobile so that she doesn't have to walk on her own. She always feels tired, and has to sleep 16 hours per day; 10 hours at night, and another 6 hours during the day. Her condition is a recessive trait, so if she has children, they will be unlikely to inherit her condition. But having children at all is a dangerous undertaking, because her body is too small to safely carry an egg to term. Female Celestials normally lay an egg on their own every 6 months, so she has to take contraceptives to prevent this. If she were to allow her body to naturally run its course, the egg would physically stretch her body beyond its limits, and cause life threatening damage. Even if she were to have the egg surgically removed at its maturity, there's no guarantee that she would survive the process.

Body Features

She has unusually pale skin that burns easily in the sun. She has little muscle on her bones, giving her a skeletal appearance.

Facial Features

Her signature forehead pattern has natural "eye" pattern in center.

Identifying Characteristics

She has several identifying features, due to her genetic condition
  • She is TINY for a female Tseibajeen, being less than 6 feet tall, while the average female her age towers above her at least 8ft tall
  • Her skin is unusually pale and is prone to sunburn.
  • Her limbs are unusually thin, lacking the muscle mass that most of her species have. She has difficulty standing for even small periods of time, unless she is in a low-grav room.

Physical quirks

She passes out very easily, and she has to sleep a lot.

Apparel & Accessories

Various piercings

  • Eyebrow
  • Gills


  • gold anklets
  • gold gem on forehead resting on to of "eye" in center of forehead

Specialized Equipment

She has a chair-like vehicle which serves as both her throne, and her primary means of locomotion.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Veiatama was hatched into a noble family, one of the many daughters of the current Emperor. She was born with a rare genetic deficiency that stunted her growth. At first, she didn't appear to be any different than anyone else, but as she progressed through childhood, she seemed to physically mature at a much slower rate, and never started puberty. At the age of 21, she was still only about 4 feet tall, while others her age were over twice her height, and she didn't seem to be growing any more. Her incredibly short stature was concerning for her, so she requested a specialized hormone treatment that would, if everything went well, boost her height up to what would be expected for someone her age. At first, things seemed to be going well. She grew several inches taller within a few months, and it also triggered her puberty process. But as she grew taller, she seemed to grow weaker, as if her heart couldn't keep up with the needs of her body. The hormone treatment was stopped abruptly, since it seemed to be making her condition worsen. When she stopped, she was still only 5 feet 5 inches tall, well below the average of 8 feet tall for a fully matured woman of her species. She had grown very sickly, and her figure was almost skeletal. Even standing on her own feet became difficult. Despite having to end the hormone therapy, she was able to finish developing as a female, and is now fertile. However, her small frame makes it too dangerous for her to carry an egg large enough to be laid, so she takes contraceptives to prevent egg production. Despite the danger, she still wants to one day have a child of her own.   Mentally, she proved herself to be significantly above the average Tseibajeen in both intelligence and emotional maturity. From early in her life, she was groomed into becoming the next Empress by her father, who was looking for a successor early during his rule. Despite her rare genetic disorder, her father still saw her as an ideal Empress, and appointed her to be next in line for the position of Empress.

Ascension to Empress

At the age of 35, her father, the previous Emperor stepped down early from his reign after only 37 years. Believing his daughter Veiatama to be uniquely gifted, he thought it would beneficial for the Empire for her to begin her reign early. With Veiatama's condition, he was unsure of how much longer she had to live, and wanted her to reign as long as possible. Being a prodigy in her education, she proved herself to be a very capable Empress. She was one of the youngest people to ever ascend to the throne.

Plot-related Info

On a visit to the moon of Kairothia III, she witnesses the treachery caused by her own people towards each other, and towards so-called "lesser" species. This leaves her wondering how "good" the Celestial Empire really is, and causes her to self-reflect upon her position and her physical condition. She realizes that if she, with her physical condition, had to go through the same mandatory military service just like everyone else, then she certainly wouldn't have survived, and would likely would have been culled at a very young age. It deeply disturbs to see how unfair it is for young children to be forced to fight for their right to personhood.

Gender Identity

She always had the genetic chromosomes of a female, but she didn't actually develop as one until shortly after beginning her hormone treatment.


Being a child prodigy, she completed all of her basic education 5 years early at 21. During adulthood, she completed multiple fields of advanced study. As the highly favored daughter of the former Emperor, a large part of her education involved careful observation of her father during his duties, as she was being groomed into becoming the next Empress.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Empress Veiatama is extremely gifted both academically and emotionally. She is very good at reading emotions, and is willing to extend an olive branch far beyond what many other Emperor's and Empress's have been willing to do. One also of the youngest Empress' in the history of the Celestial Empire.

Mental Trauma

Despite her pampered upbringing, she has had her fair share of trauma in her lifetime. She always knew something was physically wrong with her body growing up, but hearing straight from the doctor that she was going to have a very short life was greatly upsetting for her. She never really mentally recovers from this, and her physical weakness is a constant reminder of this fact. Aside from her health, there were are other trauma's as well. Learning the truth about the Celestial Empire was very emotionally taxing. She was both sad that it happened, and angry that hundreds of generations of previous Emperors and Empress' allowed it to continue under their rule, and even created it in the first place.

Intellectual Characteristics

She is extremely gifted in intelligence, and has a very assertive personality.

Morality & Philosophy

Growing up, she was taught the Celestial Truth philosophy/religion of her forefathers during her education. However, being young, she is quite open-minded to other moral codes. She found that she could never really justify the "Celestial Truth" in her mind, and always had her doubts. Upon seeing the harsh reality of what an ordinary Tseibajeen must go through, she becomes deeply remorseful.

Personality Characteristics


At first, she is primarily interested in the expansion and betterment of the Celestial Empire.   Later, she desires peace and well-being for all, and a peaceful end to the conflict against humanity.

Virtues & Personality perks

She is open-minded, and genuinely curious about daily life for the ordinary Tseibajeen citizen.

Vices & Personality flaws

She is very impulsive, and hedonistic. She will often overindulge in simple pleasures and delicacies. This is common for the nobility of the Celestial Empire, but her overindulgence is even more pronounced. These indulgences serve as her way to distract herself from the reality of her condition.


She takes her personal hygene very seriously, but typically has her attendants bathe her.

Representation & Legacy

The natural "Eye" symbol upon her head has been made into a symbol of her personal legacy, used throughout the Celestial Empire as a reference to herself.


Family Ties

Her father was previous Emperor, who voluntarily stepped down believing his daughter would benefit from being in power for longer.

Religious Views

Veiatama despises the idea of Imperial worship and the "Celestial Truth" believing that she should not be worshiped as a god, and that her species are not divine in any way. She has no belief in the supernatural. On Kairothia, her unbelief is brought into question by unexplainable events.

Social Aptitude

She is merciful towards her subjects, preferring to give light punishments, and shying away from harsher punishments such as death, except where absolutely necessary. She always knows exactly what she wants in a given situation, but will listen to reason. She is very self aware of her hedonism and ashamed of it.

Hobbies & Pets

She has collected various exotic pets from multiple planets, which she takes good care of in her spare time. Sadly, her duties as Empress prevent her from having any meaningful hobbies or interests.


Her voice is much higher pitched than other Tseibajeen, mainly due to her small size, and yet she commands authority in the way she speaks. She is highly educated, and speaks very formally.   Catch phrases:
  • "I love my father, but that doesn't mean I intend to emulate the way he does things."
  • "No. We're going to do things my way!"
Common phrases:
  • "Be not afraid, I am not here to harm you."
  • "Salutations."
  • "With the honor of my ancestors, I greet thee."


Empress Veiatama the 7th

Daughter (Vital)

Towards Emperor Valador the 5th



Emperor Valador the 5th

Father (Vital)

Towards Empress Veiatama the 7th




Veiatama's relationship with her father is complicated. They both love each other very much, and have a great deal of respect for each other. However, they have wildly differing opinions of how an Empire should be run.    While Valador was very reserved and traditional, Veiatama is very critical towards the traditional way of ruling the Empire. She has a much more rationalist approach to philosophy, and rejects the view that her species, the Celestial race is superior, suggesting that they simply had a head start, and were lucky to have reached this level of power earlier than any other species in the galaxy.   Valador always knew of his daughters gifted intellect. In fact he was so excited to see what she would do that he willingly stepped down from his rule early, so that she could get started earlier. He began to regret this decision as she seemed gradually tear down all of the old values that were traditionally held by the Celestial Empire. When he learned that she was trying to gain a peaceful relationship with the Human race, this was the last straw. He had to have a talk with her and correct what he believed to be a grave mistake. His worst fears were realized when she was kidnapped by a powerful Human with unexpalinable strength and powers.

Current Status
Ruling the Celestial Empire
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Currently Held Titles
Red/Magenta, Narrow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
sickly Pale-blue skin,
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I just don't understand it. How could we have been so cruel to them? Our own people... our children, fighting for their own rights. No more. I am going to stop this."   "You dare question me!?"   "Curse my frailty..."   "Please... don't remind me of how short my life will be."
The Celestial Truth
Known Languages
She speaks the common language of the Celestial Empire.
Ruled Locations
Character Prototype


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