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ZX51038-115-00450 - Kallio

TB51038-115-00450 , Kallio

ZX51038-115-00450, or Kallio was Fay Ultins love interest until his tragic death at the hands of Ulefric Genome.   Kallio was a commoner Tseibajeen. At the age of 2, he was put into a Squadron along with ZX51038-115-00321(Fay), Soren, and Saito. The four became great friends, and grew very close, especially with Fay. At the age of 13, Fay made Kallio promise that if the two of them developed into the opposite sexes, that they would become become mates. Kallio was taken aback by this proposition, but he had no complaints. Sure enough, Fay grew into a female, while Kallio grew into a male. Kallio kept his promise and would eventually become her mate, when they were old enough.   When they reached the age that they would be put through their gruelling military training, Fay and Kallio both found that they both loved to tinker with machines, and became the engineers for their Squadron. Bonding further under a common interest, they fell further in love with each other, and produced an egg together. When their training was over, it became time for their first real mission: to help establish a base on in the Woods of Saiyannor on the world of Kairothia. Little did they know, that this would also be the last mission for some of them   Everything went wrong. Saito and Kallio were both killed by Ulefric Genome, a Human. Only Fay survived the encounter. After Kallio's death, Fay was left alone to grieve with Soren, who was grieving the loss of Saito.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Although not as strong as Soren, the other male of the Ultin Squadron, he was still in great physical shape.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kallio was a commoner Tseibajeen, bound to the same fate as most. He was put into a Squadron with ZX51038-115-00321 - Fay, Soren, and Saito. As he grew up, he became friends with the others, and eventually became Fays mate.   When their Squadron was old enough, they began their military service. Fay and Kallio both selected engineering as their focus in their military training in order to grow closer together. By the time their training was complete, they had already produced an egg together.   When they were sent off on their first real mission, Saito and Kallio were killed in unexpected combat. Fay survived the encounter. She and Soren were left to mourn the deaths of their friends.


Driven by the desire to reproduce and bolster the numbers of the Celestial Empire armies. Also driven by his love for ZX51038-115-00321 - Fay


Kallio received a standard education just like every commoner Tseibajeen. During his military training, his focus was on engineering, just the same as Fay.

Personality Characteristics


Kallio was motivated both by his loyalty to the Celestial Empire, and also by his love for Fay, whom he intended to be his mate.

Virtues & Personality perks

Kallio is level headed
Circumstances of Birth
Circumstances of Death
killed in combat
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale cyan skin
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Listen, we HAVE to leave her behind! She's gone, and there's nothing we can do!" "Fay, please... promise me that no matter what happens, you keep flying, and you don't look back. Even if you have to leave me behind. I love you. I'm sorry."


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