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ZX51038-115-00487 - Saito (Sa-EE-tow UUl-tin)

ZX51038-115-00487 (a.k.a. Saito)

Currently deceased, she was a member of the same Squadron as ZX51038-115-00321 - Fay ZX51038-115-00412 - Soren, and ZX51038-115-00450 - Kallio. They were all great friends during childhood. Saito's best friend of the bunch was Soren. As Saito and Soren grew older, Soren developed into a male, while Saito developed into a female. Saito quickly developed feelings towards Soren, but was too embarrassed to admit it. She was afraid he would reject her, so she silently kept her feelings to herself.   When the Squadron began their term in the Celestial military, Saito noticed that Soren gravitated towards melee combat training, so she decided to also partake in melee combat training. Soren and Saito frequently sparred together during training, Saito using this as a way to get him to like her. Soren gradually began to see her hints, and they confessed their feelings for each other. They officially became romantically involved shortly after.   Not too long after, the Squadron was finished their training. Their first assignment was to assist in establishing control over the newly discovered world of Kairothia III. Their mission was to prepare a base of operations within the Woods of Saiyannor. Soren Ultin caught Dry Gill and had to be quarantined, leaving just Saito, Kallio, and Fay to take care of the job. The drone they were using to level a portion of the forest was destroyed by Humans. When Saito Fay and ZX51038-115-00450 - Kallio went to investigate the damage, Saito was shot and killed by Ulefric Genome, along with ZX51038-115-00450 - Kallio. Fay managed to survive, and had to bring the news to Soren of Saito and Kallio's deaths, and the presence of Humans on the world.   Soren grieved for Saito. He wished that he had been there for her, and that he had understood her feelings for him earlier.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She was very physically fit, due to melee combat training. She was an exceptional example of peak physical condition for a Tseibajeen.

Mental characteristics


She was given the standard education and military training that all common born Tseibajeen receive. She focused on melee combat.


She partook in the mandatory military service for about a month before her death.

Morality & Philosophy

She had great loyalty to the Celestial Empire.

Personality Characteristics


She is motivated by her duty to serve the needs of the Empire. She is also motivated by her feelings towards Soren.

Vices & Personality flaws

She took a long time to confess her feelings for Soren due to her fear of rejection. She selected melee combat as her focus in training because he was in melee combat, and she needed an excuse to get closer to him.
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Ulefric Genome using a sniper rifle
Red/Magenta, wide
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
cyan skin
Known Languages
She spoke the Celestial Language.


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