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ZX51038-115-00321 - Fay

ZX51038-115-00321 (a.k.a. Fay)

ZX51038-115-00321, or "Fay" as she is known to her squadmates is a Tseibajeen who was born and raised into the war machine that is the Celestial Empire. Early in her life, she was placed into a Squadron with Soren, Saito and Kallio. The four make good friends and develop close bonds with each other. When they reached legal adulthood, they were shipped off into service together as a squad.   One the world of Kairothia III, their relationship comes crashing down. Their mission was to deploy a deforestor drone to clear out the dense foliage so a base could be established in the Woods of Saiyannor, but the drone was destroyed. Soren remains behind, due to being under quarantine from contracting Dry Gill, leaving the job to Fay, Saito, and Kallio. Fay has also contracted Dry Gill, but is asymptomatic for the time being, until it is too late. After investigating the destruction of the deforester drone, they discover that it was destroyed by Raphael, a human. Completely unprepared for armed combat, Saito and Kallio, are killed by Ulefric Genome, another human who showed up just as Saito was about to land a killing blow on Raphael. Fay is shot in the leg and falls to the ground unconscious while trying to escape using her jetpack. Raphael locates her and shows her mercy, and saves her life by tending to her wounds. While he's dressing her wounds, she begins to experience the symptoms of Dry Gill. Unable to communicate her need for water to Raphael, she despirately gasps for air, overworking her lungs. She struggles to breathe, and then loses consciousness. Raphael remains unsure of how to help her, but has a hunch that she needs water. He takes her to a water source, and places her body into it. With her gills rehydrated, she regains conscousness and swims away. Fay is conflicted. It was a human who killed two of her friends, and then it was another human who saved her.   After Fay and Soren recover from Dry Gill, they abandon their duty to the Celestial Empire military. Gradually, Fay and Soren secretly become friends with Raphael.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Due to her training, she is extremely fit, but not as much as Soren and Saito.

Facial Features

She wears blue lipstick and has slightly more narrow eyes compared to others of her species.

Apparel & Accessories

She wears full body armour when on duty. Off duty, she wears tank-top and skin-tight shorts.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

ZX51038-115-00321, or "Fay", was a product of the system. Two actively serving Celestial soldiers, one male and one female, produced the egg which developed into Fay, and her egg was sent to the hatchery, where it would be incubated along with tens of thousands of others at varying stages of development. When she hatched from her egg, she was indoctrinated into the Celestial Empire lifestyle right away just like everyone else. She was placed into a Squadron along with Soren, Saito, and Kallio . As they grew up, Fay developed into a female, and developed feelings for Kallio, one of the two males of her Squadron.

Military Service

The first year of military service was nothing but training. During this training, both Fay and Kallio Ultin became mechanical engineers, and fell in love with each other. Together, the two of them produced an egg. At the end of their training, their military service would begin for real. Most military service at this time was non-combative, and mainly had to do with the expansion of territory, and establishment of bases on planets. Their first mission would send them to the world of Kairothia III.


Kairothia III was declared a top candidate for colonization. It had all of the features that were desirable for Tseibajeen living; Fresh water, warm climate, and a beautiful night sky. The squad used a deforester drone to burn some foliage to make room for a base of operations in a strategically viable location. However, the drone started to emit a distress signal, indicating that it had become damaged. When they arrived to investigate the damage, it was discovered to have been damaged by Humans. The presence of Humans was completely unexpected. Together, the Humans killed Saito, and sent Fay and Kallio fleeing. Both Fay and Kallio were shot. Kallio fell to the ground dead, while Fay survived. She plummeted to the forest floor, unconscious. She was at the mercy of the elements. One of the Humans, Raphael, decided to spare her life, and brought her to a lake to recuperate her strength. Although she survived the ordeal, she could never forget what they did to Saito and her mate Kallio. At first, she wanted nothing but vengeance upon the species who took her friends from her. But over time, Raphael's mercy would have a ripple effect over her worldview, and her understanding of her species, Humanity, and her place in the world.


She is driven by both the duty to produce more soldiers for the Celestial Empire, and also her love for Kallio


She has the basic education given to all commoner Tseibajeen within the Empire. Her educational focus was on engineering.


She actively served in mandatory military service for the Celestial Empire, until the fateful day where everything changed.

Mental Trauma

The day she lost Saito and Kallio was a traumatic experience.

Intellectual Characteristics

She has an average level of intelligence for her species, slightly above that of an ordinary human.

Morality & Philosophy

She has absolute loyalty to the Celestial Empire, and great reverence for the Empress. She believes in the Celestial Truth, and actively partakes.

Personality Characteristics


She is motivated by her loyalty to the Celestial Empire, and the Empress. However, later she is motivated by the genuine desire to do the right thing and make up for what her species has done.

Likes & Dislikes


  • meat


  • vegetables

Vices & Personality flaws

She was highly brainwashed into absolute loyalty for Celestial Empire. But later, she becomes overly repentant for the actions of her species to the point of self-loathing.
Circumstances of Birth
Tseibajeen Hatchery on Zaxan.
Majenta/red, narrow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light blue skin
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
She fluently speaks the Celestial Language.


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