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ZX51038-115-00412 - Soren

Soren Ultin

A member of the same Squadron as  ZX51038-115-00321 - Fay , ZX51038-115-00450 - Kallio, and Saito Ultin. Soren is a male Tseibajeen who grew up alongside Fay, as well as Saito and Kallio. He was greatest friends with Saito, and eventually her lover, since he developed into a male, and Saito developed into a female.   During military service, the Squadron is sent to Kairothia to help establish a base in the forest region of the planet. During deployment of the drone, Soren develops a case of Dry Gill and is put into quarantine. he remains behind while the other 3 investigate why the deforester drone has malfunctioned. As it turns out, the deforester drone has been severely damaged by Humans, one of which kills Saito and Kallio, while Fay barely escapes with her life. Upon learning of the death of his childhood friend and lover, he vows to avenge her and Kallio. When Fay returns alive, the two decide to seek vengeance against the Human who killed their fellow kin. However, Fay also tells Soren that one of the two Humans saved her life. This complicates the situation for the two of them, as both of them know that reporting the Human presence to the authorities will inevitably lead to the death of all the humans on this planet, including her savior, something which Fay really doesn't want. They go together, two young adults, completely unsure of how they will handle the situation. Soren and Fay both grieve the losses of Saito and Kallio.   When Empress Veiatama arrives on Kairothia III, she takes a liking to Soren, but for incredibly shallow reasons: She finds him attractive and wants to add him to her collection of personal attendants, who are also composed of males that she finds attractive.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Soren is a very strong Tseibajeen, and powerful warrior. He represents the peak physical conditioning of the Celestial species.

Apparel & Accessories

Soren wears the standard Celestial Empire full body armor when on duty. Off duty, he wears the standard shorts, with no shirt.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Soren is a common class Tseibajeen who grew up indoctrinated into the Celestial Empire. He was placed into the same squadron along as Fay, Saito, and Kallio.   As they grew up, Soren ended up being close friends with Saito. Soren and Kallio developed into males, while Saito  and Fay developed into females. Soren was male, while his best friend Saito was female. At first, the two tried their best to keep their friendship platonic. They were both combat oriented and would frequently spar together. Their awkward friendship continued for several years of military service, and over time they gradually fell for each other and become romantically involved. Unfortunately, their time together was short-lived.   The Squadron was sent to Kairothia III in order to help the Empire establish a permanent base and eventually colonize the world, since it was a suitable place for Tseibajeen, even better than their home planet. Everything went south, as humans sabotaged their equipment, and Saito and Kallio were killed. Soren wasn't present at the time and was in quarantine for Dry Gill. He was frustrated that he couldn't protect his love Saito  and lamented that they didn't admit their feelings for each other earlier.   When Fay unexpectedly returns alive, they join forces to get revenge on the human who killed Saito and Kallio. Fay tells Soren that one of the humans isn't so bad, and actually saved her life. Soren is skeptical, but reluctantly agrees not to report the Human presence to the Celestial Empire. Over time they learn that they must grapple with the truth that the Celestial Empire were the true agressors, and their worldview is shattered.


Soren is primarily motivated by the desire to produce more soldiers for the military of the Celestial Empire.


Soren received the same basic education that ordinary Tseibajeen get within the Celestial Empire. The military training portion of his education was primarily focused on combat.


Soren is part of the Celestial Empire military, for the Ultin squadrons mandatory military service. He is there alongside Fay, Saito, and Kallio.

Mental Trauma

Soren is devastated by the death of Saito and Kallio, especially Saito, since she was his romantic partner.

Morality & Philosophy

Soren is primarily focused on the "greater good" of the Celestial Empire. However, his interactions with the Human Raphael leave him questioning his loyalty to the Celestial Empire, wondering if the empire was ever really "good" to begin with.

Personality Characteristics


Soren is motivated by his loyalty to the Celestial Empire, and to his best friend (and lover) Saito. When Saito dies, he is overwhelmed with depression, and is motivated by revenge. He joins forces with Fay, who also lost her lover named Kallio.

Virtues & Personality perks

Loyalty to his friends
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
cyan skin
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Soren speaks the Celestial Language


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