Sweetwater Forest Geographic Location in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Sweetwater Forest

Covering almost fifty square kilometres of ground, Sweetwater forest runs along the eastern banks of Sweetwater lake, it crosses briefly into the North Eastern border of Hadovean territory and most of the forests eastern and south eastern most borders touch on the Duchy of Moridale.

To the south the Kingdom of Geldheiem's border is scant kilometers away.


A dense forest woodland. It is a long held legend that Sweetwater forest was once joined to Pixiewoods to the North.

The forest is sparsely populated by humanoids, however, nearby Sweetwater lake boasts a healthy population, mostly supported by the lake and surrounds.


Various species are native to this area of forest, most are common widely across Ashnoor.

The dense woodlands provide shelter to a bevvy or small ground dwelling mammals. various nocturnal species thrive in the forest. And, of course a vast array of plant species make up the life in this system.


Boasting a moderate climate, the variations between seasons can be quite extreme at times.
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