Kaladaan Moridale force ambushed in Sweetwater forest

Moridale force ambushed in Sweetwater forest

Military: Battle

27/8 12:00
27/8 17:00

Over the past couple month and a half, the Duchy of Moridale has been sitting on a rather large payday. At the beginning of this waiting period, the duke seemed to have come into the possession of valuable goods that once belonged to the Kingdom of Geldheim. Though something such as this would normally be something great news to the duke, he was now faced with the issue of getting it to doomsayers and fencing the goods.

His usual means of travel were ruled out due to the choke hold that the kingdom now held next to Pont. For the past month, the Kingdom has been on high alert checking all travellers heading to Doomsayer and arranging a checkpoint across the river next to Pont.
This baffled the duke as the month he has laid low and sat on these goods was more than enough time for the heat to die down. Unknown to the Duke though was that sensitive information amongst the goods that would be a disaster for the Kingdoms future planning if it were to arrive in the hands of the Empire.
With his patience running thin and seeing no other option Duchy decides to send a small force from his border through Sweetwater Forest where the goods can be loaded onto a vessel and taken to Doomsayers to be fenced.
Fortunately for Kingdom has a spy deep within the duke’s private army and is aware that all hope is not lost. They have planed a force of their own to intercept Duchy’s men in the forest to regain their stolen goods and intelligence.

Related Location
Sweetwater Forest
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Battles Large and Small