Assault on Pixiewood Forest

Military: Skirmish


The Hadovean Empire advances through Pixiewood Forest to exand their border up to the western border of the Duchy of Moridale

Forces from Hadovean Empire advanced through Pixiewood Forest with the aim of extending their border through the forest to the Western border of the Duchy of Moridale. The recent completion of the Dragonspan bridge crossing the Escondida near the mouth of Lake Moridale had made Moridale and even greater prize in eye of Geldheimer and Hadoveans alike.   Initally meeting little resistance, the Hadovean forces found themselves in the centre of an ambush deep inside Pixiewood forest when the pixie folk, aided by huge Treants and forces from the Kingdom of Geldheim (who were allowed passage across Lake Moridale by the Duke of Moridale).   Barbed vines shooting out from the forest dragged many Hadoveans to their death, as the ambush was triggered. The Hadoveans Evokers had prepared for these attacks however. Armed with magically infused explosives they nullified these attacks allowing them to focus on defeating the defending forces. The defenders retaliated through cunning use of illusion and the emergence of an huge enraged Treant which presented even further challenge to the Hadovean forces.   The Hadoveans, however where able to fight through the challenges fiercely thanks in no small part to the battlefield leadership of Mikhail Orlat and Hector Brenollio Tombs aided by the arrival of the Empire canons comming into range. The day belonged to the Hadovean Empire ultimately defeating the defending forces and securing Pixiewood under the Hadovean Empire banner.