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Bronzar (BROAN-zar)

Security Chief Gea'Nizanani Um Bronzar

As chief of Empress Vazali's security detail, Bronzar has his work cut out for him. Keeping the empress safe from harm would be a difficult task under any circumstances, but this particular monarch can be especially exasperating. Vazali rarely overrules him on security decisions, but tends to brush off his vigilance as silly overprotectiveness.  Perhaps more problematically, she can't seem to help talking to him as if he wasn't under a strict oath not to "contradict, counsel, converse or consort" with her.   
by Katie Sullivan
  So it's easy to forgive poor Bronzar if he gets just a little aggravated from time to time. Yet despite it all he remains the closest thing Vazali has to a friend.   He's a workaholic, but does an admirable job of balancing a demanding career with raising his young son, Zenni. After an early marriage to his high school sweetheart fell apart, he became a single father. He always does justice to the two most important things in his life: his son and his job.   Bronzar's serious, no-nonsense, suspicious attitude leads many to the impression that he's mean and unapproachable, but those who know him best see him as a loyal, brave, good-hearted, dedicated man willing to make any sacrifice necessary to get the job done.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Bronzar is in excellent physical condition, having trained extensively as part of the Imperial Guard. He has both speed and endurance training, as well as strength and agility.   His only physical weakness is his eyesight, which is just barely adequate to remain in the Imperial Guard due to his having Alathan Flu as a child.

Body Features

His skin is the color marked simply "green" in any package of crayons. His hair is dark brown.

Special abilities

Bronzar is trained in a wide variety of weapons and hand-to-hand combat techniques.

Apparel & Accessories

On duty, he always wears a black suit, usually with a red tie.  He dislikes the formal, red-and-gold uniform he must wear on certain ceremonial occasions.   He is never without his glasses, and wears sunglasses indoors far more than is socially acceptable (even if they are specially designed to not darken his vision unless in bright sunlight.)

Specialized Equipment

He has a lapel pin with the insignia of the Imperial Guard on it.  When on duty he has a pistol in a holster by his hip.

Mental characteristics


Bronzar is heterosexual, although he hasn't had the time or inclination to date since the divorce.


Bronzar attended the Eralax Institute, then Shalanera University, where he graduated with a double major in law enforcement and criminal psychology.  As part of his training for the Imperial Guard he is proficient in a variety of firearms, emergency first aid, defensive tactics and other topics too top secret to disclose.


Bronzar started in the division of the Imperial Guard tasked with analyzing written threats to the crown. He worked his way up from there to the protective services division. Shortly after her ascension to the throne, he was named chief of Empress Vazali's security detail.  
by Katie Sullivan

Failures & Embarrassments

Bronzar is very self-conscious about his poor eyesight, preferring to wear special dark lenses whenever possible to disguise the thickness of his glasses and the way they magnify his eyes.

Intellectual Characteristics

Bronzar's thorough, logical mind makes him a natural at research, and he can pore over records for hours until he finds what he needs.

Morality & Philosophy

Duty is paramount.

Personality Characteristics


His duty as a father and an imperial guard are the two driving forces in his life.

Vices & Personality flaws

He can be overprotective and a worrywart.

Personality Quirks

He is paranoid about breaking or losing his glasses, and has extra pairs stashed all over the Imperial Palace.


He always takes a shower after his morning jog.


Contacts & Relations

Ambruk was Bronzar's mentor when he first joined the protective services division of the Imperial Guard.

Family Ties

Bronzar's father, Nizan, is an architect. His mother, Zerliah, was Nizan's secretary before becoming a full-time homemaker. He has a sister, Reezoa, who is ten years his senior.  
by Katie Sullivan

Left to Right: Reezoa, Nizan, Zerliah, young Bronzar shortly after losing much of his sight to the Alnashian Flu
    His son was the product of a brief marriage to his high school sweetheart, Izenra. She moved away after the divorce and did not want custody of Zenni.  
by Katie Sullivan
Bronzar with young Zenni

Religious Views

Bronzar rarely visits a Sacred Grotto, but he does pray to the Creator occasionally.

Social Aptitude

Bronzar tends to be quiet and overly serious unless he's with someone he knows well.


As a guard, Bronzar is hyper-vigilant, constantly looking around and assessing for threats. On duty, this is great. Off duty, it can be disconcerting to those around him. Relaxing does not come easy to him.

Hobbies & Pets

He enjoys reading, word puzzles, and jogging.



Empress (Important)

Towards Bronzar




Guard (Vital)

Towards Vazali




As an Imperial Guard, Bronzar is forbidden to speak candidly or be overly familiar with the empress, yet he sees her grief and loneliness and has the instinct to alleviate it in some way. She senses this, and appreciates the tiny gestures he dares to make. Despite or perhaps because of this subtle connection, they exasperate each other when his professional brusqueness clashes with her more lighthearted attitude.  

Bronzar and Vazali
by Katie Sullivan
  (Also insert a ton of spoilers here.)

Nicknames & Petnames

Bronzar is very careful to always address her with the proper formality as "Milady," "Your Excellency," "Your Imperial Majesty," or simply "ma'am." The longer titles get more use when he needs to remind himself who she is, and how he must behave in her presence.


father (Vital)

Towards Zenni



son (Vital)

Towards Bronzar



Bronzar had looked forward to fatherhood for awhile, but when Zenni was born it was even better than he thought it would be. Whether it was buying and setting up a toy train, taking him to the playground, nursing him through sickness, or chasing away monsters under the bed, Bronzar threw all of himself into being the best dad he could be. Since Zenni's mother, Izenra, was uninterested in parenting at best, and resentful at worst, Bronzar's involvement was even more crucial.   The pain of his mother's rejection still haunts Zenni, but he adores his dad and knows how lucky he is to have him. Bronzar's busy schedule makes it increasingly challenging to spend quality time with his son, but it's a high priority so he always finds a way, even if it takes some personal sacrifice.   Bronzar is a stickler for rules, especially where safety is concerned. He has to consciously pull back sometimes to avoid smothering Zenni. He can be quite stern when he needs to discipline his son, but never unfair or mean-spirited. Zenni also knows that his dad thinks the world of him and won't stay angry for long.



Towards Izenra




Towards Bronzar



They met in Eralax in their freshman year of high school, and started dating in the summer between their sophomore and junior years. When they both decided to attend Shalanera University, Bronzar suggested they could rent a house together. She agreed, but the plans snowballed until they decided to get married before leaving their hometown. They had a small wedding in a park soon before moving to Shalanera, where they rented the ground floor of a two-story duplex near the Shal-U campus.   Bronzar was ready to grow up and put his nose to the grindstone, earning a double major while pursing his dream job with the Imperial Guard. Izenra was content to take a few classes while working as a server at a sports bar near Slicers Stadium, and spending most of her free time partying. This disconnect in priorities began to put strain on their relationship, but he hoped she would get it out of her system and mature eventually.   After Bronzar passed the extensive training required to join the Imperial Guard, he felt his life was on course and wanted to start their family. Izenra balked, knowing a baby would throw a wrench in her lifestyle. He eventually wore her down, and she agreed to become pregnant, hoping that instincts and hormones would turn her into the mother she had never really wanted to be.   For a few years, Bronzar (and babysitters they couldn't really afford) raised Zenni while Izenra mostly ignored their son in favor of nights spent at dance clubs. In a heated confrontation on Zenni's fourth birthday, Izenra snapped that she never wanted a child in the first place. Zenni heard her and was heartbroken. That was the last straw as far as Bronzar was concerned.   After the divorce was final and Izenra had signed over full custody to her ex-husband, she moved out of state and hasn't seen or contacted him or Zenni since.

Wealth & Financial state

Between raising his son as a single father and mountains of student debt, Bronzar is not exactly well off. Fortunately living quarters at the imperial palace are a perk of his job.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Security Chief
Year of Birth
4199 32 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Given that his only sibling is ten years his senior, it's probable that Bronzar's birth was unplanned.
Izenra (ex-wife)
Current Residence
short, no-nonsense
Quotes & Catchphrases
"That's a security risk."
"That's against protocol."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
His native tongue is the Lanarish language, but he has a basic knowledge of the Vancor language due to his experience investigating threats to the crown.

Character Portrait image: by Katie Sullivan


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