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Vazali (Vuh-ZAH-lee)

Her Imperial Majesty Empress Jhea'Vizadani Vazali

Vazali is the oldest of Emperor Xeres and Queen Vizada's three children. As Crown Princess she attended the famed Ridallia Academy in Jantrala , then moved into Pinehold Estate just outside Shalanera. She never dreamed that she would be inheriting the throne so soon, but with her father's unexpected death she took on the responsibility of ruling a global empire still quaking from the Great Civil War.   Vazali is very dedicated to her role as empress, putting the good of the Lanarian Empire above everything else--including, at times, her own health and happiness. A medical condition has left her incapable of bearing a child, and romance is merely a dream better left to women with less hectic schedules. Her two siblings have moved away and continued with their own lives, while Vazali seems destined to spend her life married to the crown, giving all of herself to the empire.   She is elegant, kind, hard-working, well-educated, charismatic, powerful--and utterly alone.
Show spoiler
(At least at the beginning...)

Related links:

Map of Vazali's Private Quarters   Map of Vazali's Office   Vazali's Family Tree

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Vazali considers keeping herself healthy and fit to be part of her duties as empress. As such, she exercises (mainly by walking and swimming) to stay in shape, but doesn't consider it a hobby. Being in the public eye also gives her incentive to keep her weight down.   She has Kretavin's Syndrome, a condition that makes it impossible for her to conceive a child.

Body Features

Her skin is a medium shade of aqua, the same as her father and brother's. Her eyes are a warm brown.   Her hair is medium-to-light brown with reddish highlights. It is naturally wavy and reaches to the middle of her back. Her bangs reach to just above her eyebrows.   Her height is slightly above average for a Lanarian woman.

Apparel & Accessories

She is used to wearing elaborate regalia for ceremonial occasions and extravagant ballgowns for galas, but in her day-to-day life she wears more manageable attire. When in her office or otherwise handling her imperial duties, she typically wears a blouse and skirt, or a dress, often under a blazer. She does not wear a crown or tiara unless dressed for a formal occasion, but she does wear impressive necklaces as a more subtle reminder of her rank. She finds long, roomy skirts to be comfortable in her day-to-day life, but will wear pants sometimes, especially in the winter.

Mental characteristics


Vazali is heterosexual, but has never had a serious relationship. It's difficult to meet suitors when matters of protocol and security keep her from mingling freely.


After years of private tutoring at the Imperial Palace, Vazali attended the Ridallia Academy in Jantrala. She enjoyed being able to interact more directly with the people while doing community service projects, and by the time she graduated she had completed double the required hours.

Intellectual Characteristics

She usually writes her own speeches, which are known as eloquent, earnest, and effective.

Morality & Philosophy

Vazali lets the Golden Rule guide her as much as possible.


A surefire way to annoy Vazali is to say something like, "It must be nice being the empress, since you can do anything you want." While she is aware of the great privilege she has, she also feels a strong sense of duty and responsibility, and putting the empire above all else often means sacrifice. If she could truly "do anything she wanted," she wouldn't miss meals and sleep by spending long hours in her office. She would be able to socialize freely and find friends and romantic partners. She doesn't resent her crown, but she wishes everyone would understand that being the empress involves a lot more than dressing up and waving at crowds.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Some consider Vazali naive and idealistic, while others find her kindness and optimism inspiring. She's aware of the awfulness in the world, but relentlessly tries to make it a better place in any way she can. Her attitude can sometimes blind her to the true magnitude of a threat, but her determination to improve the world around her usually means she can pick up the pieces afterward.

Likes & Dislikes

She loathes high heels with a passion and will wear sensible shoes whenever possible.

Personality Quirks

When nervous (and not in public) she often twirls a lock of hair around her hand.


Family Ties

As a member of the eleventh dynasty of the Lanarian Empire, Vazali comes from an impressive lineage. Her great-great-grandmother was the first monarch of the dynasty, and her great-grandfather, grandfather, and father were emperors.  
by Katie Sullivan
Emperor Xeres and the newly-invested Crown Princess Vazali

Religious Views

Vazali has taken to heart the Creator's urging to live with kindness, empathy, and compassion. She often visits the Sacred Grotto below the palace, and finds it refreshing to kneel before the divine when most of the time everyone is bowing to her.

Hobbies & Pets

She has an aquarium built into one of the large bookshelves in her office, and takes a break to watch the fish swim when she feels stress building up.


As royalty, Vazali has what is called a "noble accent" or a "Melzeen accent." (See the Culture section of the article on Lanarians.)   (Author's note: Think a British accent like this or this.)



Empress (Important)

Towards Bronzar




Guard (Vital)

Towards Vazali




As an Imperial Guard, Bronzar is forbidden to speak candidly or be overly familiar with the empress, yet he sees her grief and loneliness and has the instinct to alleviate it in some way. She senses this, and appreciates the tiny gestures he dares to make. Despite or perhaps because of this subtle connection, they exasperate each other when his professional brusqueness clashes with her more lighthearted attitude.  

Bronzar and Vazali
by Katie Sullivan
  (Also insert a ton of spoilers here.)

Nicknames & Petnames

Bronzar is very careful to always address her with the proper formality as "Milady," "Your Excellency," "Your Imperial Majesty," or simply "ma'am." The longer titles get more use when he needs to remind himself who she is, and how he must behave in her presence.


Father (Important)

Towards Vazali




Daughter (Important)

Towards Xeres




Xeres loved his eldest child with all his heart from the first time he felt her move inside his wife's belly, until the last day of his life. He adored his other two children, as well, but it was no secret that Vazali was his favorite.   As she grew into an intelligent and kind person, his opinion of her only improved. They had many long, involved conversations throughout Vazali's childhood, as he encouraged her to exercise her mind and critical thinking skills. As her teen years flew by, their discussions were the perfect way for him to assess her suitability to rule.   Xeres was incredibly proud of how graciously and naturally she grew into the role of crown princess, and was confident she would make a fine empress someday. Unfortunately, that day came much sooner than anyone has guessed it would...

Nicknames & Petnames

Sometimes, especially when she was very young or he was feeling sentimental, Xeres would call his firstborn "Zolly."


Brother (Important)

Towards Vazali




Sister (Important)

Towards Xeebec




Vazali was six when Xeebec was born, and once he got old enough to walk she considered him an unnecessary complication in her life. She and Kazaneta were very close, and didn't need a baby brother trying to tag along and butt into their plans. The fact that Xeebec was easily upset made it all the more entertaining to tease, prank, and torment him as only an older sibling can.   As Vazali matured, she tried to be nicer. When she was 13 and Xeebec was 7, she was diagnosed with a condition that made it highly unlikely she would ever bear a child. She began, mostly subconsiously, to see her baby brother as the closest thing to a son she would ever have, but the damage to their relationship was already done. He bristled at any overtures she made, discouraging her from reaching out. They settled into a stalemate in which they tried to ignore each other as much as possible.   Through it all, Xeebec was consoled by the notion that one day he would become emperor and his sister would have to treat him with respect. No one ever told him he was his father's heir. The ruler of the Lanarian Empire could choose anyone they wanted as a successor, even a non-relative. However, much was made of the fact that he was Xeres' only son, and how special that made him, so he assumed the crown would be his.   He was overjoyed to hear Vazali was going to study in far-off Jantrala after she came of age, and looked forward to getting rid of her. Instead his world came crashing down when Xeres called a family meeting and announced that Vazali was to be officially installed as crown princess before she left for school.   Xeebec felt rejected and betrayed. His anger, bitterness, and disappointment drove a wedge between him and his father that would never be healed, and ensured that he would loathe Vazali even more. While she continues to be civil to him (most of the time), he doesn't hide his resentment and disdain.   They bring out the worst in each other, and rarely can get through a conversation without insults or words of anger being exchanged.   Vazali is known for her kind heart and empathy. Her relationship with Xeebec is the glaring exception. She does try to keep the peace with him for the sake of their parents and the family's reputation, but her patience is paper-thin and when he inevitably responds in a hostile manner she reverts to treating him like a snot-nosed child.

Nicknames & Petnames

Vazali can't seem to break the habit of referring to her brother as "Twitchy," no matter how many times he tells her to knock it off.


Sister (Important)

Towards Kazaneta




Sister (Important)

Towards Vazali




Growing up in a palace as the emperor's daughters had its own unique quirks and challenges, but luckily Vazali and Kazaneta had each other. They have been each other's best friends their whole lives. It was difficult when Vazali went away to study at the Ridallia Academy, but fortunately the last two years of her time there overlapped with the first two years of Kazaneta's. After Vazali's ascention to the throne and Kazaneta's graduation, their paths have diverged more and more, but they stay in touch as best they can and drop everything to help each other when crisis strikes.

Nicknames & Petnames

As very young children they called each other 'Zal and Kazie. The latter nickname was picked up by other family members and continues to be used, but only Kazaneta still calls the empress 'Zal.


Underling (Important)

Towards Vazali




Empress (Important)

Towards Abarok




Vazali and Abarok have always had a good working relationship. He has earned her trust, and the privilege of speaking more candidly with her than many dare to.


Daughter (Important)

Towards Vizada




Mother (Important)

Towards Vazali




Vizada has a good relationship with all her children, even if she doted on her youngest, Xeebec, a bit more than her daughters. She was actively involved in parenting them throughout their childhoods, and Vazali has many fond memories of her mother helping her with her homework, holding an umbrella over her as she ran all over the palace gardens trying to see a rainbow, and sitting up watching movies together when Vazali wasn't feeling well.   She and Vazali rarely argue, but there is a little friction from time to time due to Vizada's sense of entitlement. As the descendant of a previous dynastic line and the queen consort of the current one, she is used to having the best of the best, and being treated with great respect. While Vazali also gets that treatment, she is more cognizant of the immense privilege they have as royals. When (and if) Vizada says thank-you to a servant, it's because such manners are expected of her and she wants to maintain her image; when Vazali says it, she genuinely means it.

Wealth & Financial state

She's the empress. Enough said.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Empress of the Lanarian Empire
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
4202 29 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Firstborn of Emperor Xeres and Queen Vizada
Current Residence
long, naturally wavy, chestnut brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
The Way of the Creator
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Lanarish language, quite familiar with Melzeen language
Character Prototype
Dream voice actress: Rachel Weisz

Character Portrait image: by Katie Sullivan


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