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Xeebec (ZEE-beck)

Prince Gea'Xeresani Nai'Larezani Um Xeebec (a.k.a. Twitchy)

The youngest child and only son of Emperor Xeres and Queen Vizada, Xeebec has been spoiled since the day he was born. He grew up under the impression that he would be the next emperor, and was horrified when his oldest sister, Vazali, was named as crown princess. That announcement created a rift between him and his father that was never reconciled, and he still passionately loathes Vazali for "stealing" his crown.   While outwardly handsome and cultured, Xeebec can be selfish, pretentious, arrogant, narrow-minded, elitist, and egocentric. (Vazali would be all too happy to add to that list of adjectives.)   As soon as he could, Xeebec left home to attend college on another continent, where he got married, fathered four children, and forged a career as the director of a history museum. Another man would have considered himself a great success at that point, but Xeebec could never shake the feeling that he was a failure without the crown.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Xeebec finds exercise beneath his dignity, but thanks to a high quality diet he has never needed to worry about his weight. Ask him to run up a few flights of stairs, however, and he'll be wheezing and shaky.

Apparel & Accessories

He wears only the best of everything, usually in navy blue.  He tends to wear a suit even when the situation doesn't really require one.  The most casual clothes in his wardrobe still look suited for an exclusive country club.

Mental characteristics


Xeebec is heterosexual.  During his first year away at college he quickly earned a reputation as a playboy, having lavish parties on his yacht with many beautiful women.  This came to a screeching halt when Lareza got pregnant and a hasty marriage had to be arranged.  
by Katie Sullivan


Private tutors, then Binzat University


He became the assistant director of the Binzat Historical Museum immediately after graduating with a bachelor's degree in history. The absurdity of this was noted by everyone--just not within earshot of Xeebec. While no one knows exactly how he managed it, rumors of bribes circulated along with the most likely explanation: he convinced the board of directors that being associated with the son of Xeres the Great would be good PR for the museum.   After a year or so, the director retired and Xeebec demanded the position. He got the promotion, but the new, much more experienced assistant director was the one actually running the museum while the prince strutted around, feeling important and dabbling with his pet projects.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Xeebec is the author of the coffee table book "Great Museums of Kavrillia." Although the majority of the book is comprised of photographs he didn't take, his name takes up most of the cover.

Mental Trauma

During a family vacation as a small child, Xeebec wandered off and got lost in the forest during a severe thunderstorm. He was found by the Imperial Guard and returned to his parents unharmed, but he still gets nervous and jumpy during storms as an adult.

Morality & Philosophy

Xeebec carefully protects his public reputation. Behind closed doors, however, he will do whatever it takes to get what he wants--including but not limited to: lies, bribery, flaunting his title and pedigree, forgery, and cheating. He draws the line at physical violence, which he considers uncouth and beneath him.

Personality Characteristics


To prove himself worthy of the crown and his late father's esteem

Likes & Dislikes

His favorite color is blue, especially dark or navy blue.   Xeebec has very high standards for food and drink, and will skip a meal rather than partake of what he considers inferior cuisine. He employs a personal chef at his estate who has been instructed to use only the most expensive, high-quality ingredients.

Virtues & Personality perks

Despite the fact that his marriage is deteriorating beyond repair, he refuses to cheat on Lareza. He has certainly had the opportunity, as Irina has not been subtle with her advances. For all his underhanded scheming, infidelity is a step too far for Xeebec.

Vices & Personality flaws

Due to his deep-seated insecurities, he will use any excuse he can to elevate himself over others. His classist views are heartfelt and he does not hide his distaste for those of lower socioeconomic status. Considering he's a prince, that's pretty much everybody...   He has also been known to express racist views against Vincarans. This is more due to his need to feel superior than any genuine beliefs, and if his greater goals can be served by dealing with a Vincaran, he will do so with only a token sneer.

Personality Quirks

As a child, one of his antennae had a nervous twitch, earning him the hated nickname "Twitchy." The tic went away on its own around the time he hit puberty.


Always impeccable.


Contacts & Relations

Xeebec's wife, Lareza, bore him four children:  daughter Telbai and son Xeeban (who are twins), then son Oltan, and daughter Sidreza.  Xeebec doesn't pay much attention to his offspring, delegating their daily care to nannies and his wife.  He will occasionally try to bond with his eldest son, Xeeban, the way he wished his own father had with him, but the young boy is uninterested in grand speeches about their family's historic legacy and his future inheritance.    
Lareza and her children
by Katie Sullivan
Xeebec's wife, Lareza, and their children (left to right, Telbai, Xeeban, Sidreza, and Oltan.)

Family Ties

Xeebec's name is a tribute to his grandfather, Xeebon.  He carried on the tradition with own son, Xeeban.

Religious Views

He goes along with whatever religious observances are required to uphold imperial traditions, but ignores religion in his private life. He could best be described as agnostic. He believes the Creator probably exists in some form, but feels no obligation to follow the Inspired Writings' urging to spread kindness, empathy, generosity, and positivity.

Social Aptitude

Xeebec is handsome, wealthy, and the son of the greatest emperor in modern times...and he knows it. He's charismatic and charming if he wants something from you or wants to make a good impression, but rude and dismissive to those he deems beneath his notice.

Hobbies & Pets

He's a big history buff and a wine connoisseur.


Xeebec leans into his natural Melzeen accent to emphasize his high station, and quotes proverbs in the ancient language just to show off his ability to do so. When speaking Lanarish he uses an unnecessarily formal tone and fancy vocabulary. Whichever language he speaks, he comes across as pretentious.   He is also prone to exaggerated enunication when speaking down to someone he deems below him, as if he thinks they are too stupid to understand otherwise.



Brother (Important)

Towards Vazali




Sister (Important)

Towards Xeebec




Vazali was six when Xeebec was born, and once he got old enough to walk she considered him an unnecessary complication in her life. She and Kazaneta were very close, and didn't need a baby brother trying to tag along and butt into their plans. The fact that Xeebec was easily upset made it all the more entertaining to tease, prank, and torment him as only an older sibling can.   As Vazali matured, she tried to be nicer. When she was 13 and Xeebec was 7, she was diagnosed with a condition that made it highly unlikely she would ever bear a child. She began, mostly subconsiously, to see her baby brother as the closest thing to a son she would ever have, but the damage to their relationship was already done. He bristled at any overtures she made, discouraging her from reaching out. They settled into a stalemate in which they tried to ignore each other as much as possible.   Through it all, Xeebec was consoled by the notion that one day he would become emperor and his sister would have to treat him with respect. No one ever told him he was his father's heir. The ruler of the Lanarian Empire could choose anyone they wanted as a successor, even a non-relative. However, much was made of the fact that he was Xeres' only son, and how special that made him, so he assumed the crown would be his.   He was overjoyed to hear Vazali was going to study in far-off Jantrala after she came of age, and looked forward to getting rid of her. Instead his world came crashing down when Xeres called a family meeting and announced that Vazali was to be officially installed as crown princess before she left for school.   Xeebec felt rejected and betrayed. His anger, bitterness, and disappointment drove a wedge between him and his father that would never be healed, and ensured that he would loathe Vazali even more. While she continues to be civil to him (most of the time), he doesn't hide his resentment and disdain.   They bring out the worst in each other, and rarely can get through a conversation without insults or words of anger being exchanged.   Vazali is known for her kind heart and empathy. Her relationship with Xeebec is the glaring exception. She does try to keep the peace with him for the sake of their parents and the family's reputation, but her patience is paper-thin and when he inevitably responds in a hostile manner she reverts to treating him like a snot-nosed child.

Nicknames & Petnames

Vazali can't seem to break the habit of referring to her brother as "Twitchy," no matter how many times he tells her to knock it off.


Son (Important)

Towards Xeres




Father (Important)

Towards Xeebec




During childhood, Xeebec got along with his father just fine, although he was always closer to his mother due to Xeres' demanding schedule. All that changed when Xeres announced Vazali was to be his successor. After that Xeebec wanted nothing to do with his father, and despite Xeres' attempts to reconcile, they remained estranged until the Emperor's death.


Mother (Important)

Towards Xeebec




Son (Important)

Towards Vizada




Although Vizada tried very hard not to play favorites with her children, she couldn't help but dote on her youngest. After Xeres' death, Xeebec's physical resemblance to his father was both a comfort and a confusing source of pain for her.   Xeebec also inherited Vizada's snobby, judgmental streak, but does a poorer job than she does of camouflaging it with formal niceties and unspoken implications.  

by Katie Sullivan



Towards Lareza




Towards Xeebec



Xeebec dated and discarded a number of girlfriends in his first year at university, and he didn't expect Lareza to be any different. However, she happened to be there when he learned of his father's unexpected passing, and the way she comforted and supported him through his grief endeared her to him. Soon after returning from Xeres' funeral, Xeebec again sought solace in Lareza's arms, and before long she was pregnant. For someone of Xeebec's status, a hasty marriage was the only option.  

by Katie Sullivan
  Despite the less-than-ideal circumstances, Xeebec genuinely loved his new wife and tried to convince himself that raising a family with her would give him the sense of purpose he had been missing.   When neither his family nor his career cured his discontent, he and Lareza began to drift apart. They remain together as the birth of their fourth child approaches, but the longterm health of their marriage is in serious doubt.



Towards Kazaneta




Towards Xeebec



Xeebec gets along with Kazaneta much better than he does his other sister, but he also struggles to understand her. Kazaneta has no desire for the crown and chooses to keep a low profile, avoiding media attention whenever possible. These are unimaginable concepts to Xeebec. Kazaneta loves her brother but is frequently exasperated by him and wishes he would lighten up and enjoy what he does have instead of grousing about what he lacks.


son (Important)

Towards Xeebec



father (Important)

Towards Xeeban



Xeebec dotes on his eldest son the way he wishes his own father had treated him, while oblivious to the fact that Xeeban doesn't have the same insecurities and doesn't understand what the big deal is. The fact that Xeebec doesn't have a crown to pass on to his son is a source of shame and frustration for him.

Wealth & Financial state

Xeebec has access to the royal treasury and has everything money can buy. He owns two yachts that usually sit at the pier in Binzat, since he is prone to seasickness and doesn't take them out unless absolutely necessary. They serve more as a status symbol than anything (and a base for parties in his single days).
Current Location
Year of Birth
4208 23 Years old
Lareza (wife)
wavy, medium brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
the same aqua shade as his father and oldest sister
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Xeebec is fluent in Lanarish language and Melzeen language.  He will quote proverbs (and occasional insults) in Melzeen just to show off that he can.
Character Prototype
Dream voice actor: Tim Curry

Character Portrait image: by Katie Sullivan


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