
Ardenfell is a vibrant city nestled on the small Wavestone Island, part of the Aerithia Archipelago. Founded just 60 years ago, this young city has rapidly grown into a fortified bastion against the perils of the surrounding seas, including pirates and other threats. Situated on the shores of the mighty Keraian Empire, Ardenfell serves as a crucial checkpoint for travelers heading to the mainland, standing as the last civilized outpost before venturing into the treacherous Alyrath Islands—a notorious region where the Empire exiles its criminals.

Ardenfell itself is a jewel of the archipelago. The city is a blend of intricate stonework, whitewashed buildings, and vibrant, tiled courtyards. Narrow, winding streets lead to grand plazas where fountains splash and colorful market stalls overflow with goods from across the Empire. The city’s architecture is characterized by graceful arches, lush gardens, and domed rooftops that catch the golden light of the setting sun. Despite its relatively young age, Ardenfell pulses with life, a melting pot of cultures and a hub for adventurers seeking both fortune and fame. Just a half-hour journey across the water lies the mainland, where the city of Serathis awaits, making Ardenfell an essential stop for those on the path to glory in the lands of Keraian.


  • Humans 90%
  • Elves 3%
  • Half elves 2%
  • Other Races 5%


The government of Ardenfell is a hybrid system, combining autocratic rule by an Overlord appointed by the Empire with a Council of guild masters elected by the people of Ardenfell every seven years.

The ruler of Ardenfell is the Overlord, a position appointed for life by the Empire. The Overlord holds ultimate authority, with every decision resting in his hands. However, a Council of guild masters exists to provide advice and guidance, though their influence often extends beyond mere counsel. Comprising the Merchant Guild, the Crafters Guild, and the Mariners Guild—representing Ardenfell's deep ties to the sea—this Council wields considerable power due to its control over the island's people and resources. As a result, the balance of power between the Overlord and the Council is often delicate and subject to tension.

The current Overlord is Sienna Regaris. Sienna is a paladin of Novirath, who accepted the honor of this position as a duty towards the Protector.

  • Alignment: NG
  • Caster Level: 13
  • Language: Common
  • Wealth: 45,000gp
  • Allowance: 10,000gp
Founding Date
900 ADA
All the images used are AI generated by the author, unless otherwise stated.


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