
With light, comes truth; with truth, comes virtue

General Information

Novirath, along with his brother Haestrom, is one of the creators of Kena'an. He is the first God of the Pantheon, the creator of the human race and the Protector of the realm. His homeplane is the Sun, the same celestial object that provides life to the world. He was the leader of the winning side in the Great War between the Gods at the era of The Purification.  


It is said that Novirath was traveling the astral plane for an infinite amount of time. He witnessed wonders, saw worlds been created and then destoyed, collected knowledge and mastered many skills. But after so long, Novirath felt unsatisfied and for the first time in his existence, he was sad and lonely. The God had settled in an empty space of the astral plane and contemplated upon his situation, when his long lost brother Haestrom returned from his own journeys and joined him. The two brothers exchanged their news and talked as time was passing. In the end, Haestrom had an idea and Novirath was excited and agreed immediately. The two brothers, decided to use their powers and the wisdom they gained from their travels to give birth to their common vision: A new world, a place that would combine their strengths. Thus, Kena'an came to be. In the end, the two brothers took a glance at their creation. Novirath was content. Their world was a utopia, a place of tranquility and balance- exactly as intented. He then turned to his brother and saw the eerie smile of betrayal dawning upon his face. Then, Haestrom left and vanished for many years without an explanation. Novirath was concerned, but on the same time he was anxious to see how Kena'an would evolve and operate. So, he forgot about his brother and for a while he was happy. As more Gods arrived and settled in the pantheon, new concepts were presented in Kena'an and not all of them were aligned with the Protector's believes. But he accepted this deal since he knew it was the way worlds all around the planes improved and thrived. As millenia passed, mortals and their free will kept surprising the Great God and the same happened with the acts of many of his fellow Gods. That was the moment Haestrom decided to return and everything would change for the Protector and his realm of Kena'an.  


Novirath is depicted as a celestial and luminous being. It is said that his angel wings are so large that when he opens them, eclipses happen. Novirath's true face is always hidden behind his helmet because its light could blind the whole world- or even burn it- if he ever took it off. He rarely visits the material plane. When he does, he appears as a young, blond, human paladin in gold armor, caring his legendary Sword of Light called Eos.  

The Creation of Humans

Novirath created the humans in his image, soon after his brother left. Theirs was the first race to ever inhabit Kena'an. Some scholars suggest that the first humans were in fact immortal and lost their immortality through the years- even though no one can say when, how or why this happened. Yet, most lore keepers disagree with that notion and think of it as a means of manipulation from the mortal empire who struggles to compare with its glorious past.  

Eradicating Chaos

When Novirath saw his world develop and change, he decided he needed to change to in order to keep alive the initial vision he and his brother had for Kena'an. To do that, the Protector figured he need to sacrifice a whole part of himself and so he did. Despite the pain he endured, Novirath managed to uproot the Chaos part of his soul and burry it deep into a mountain. This act changed him forever. The Neutral Good ascpect of him vanished and Novirath became Lawful Good, seeing existence through a new perspective, dedicated to order versus chaos and good above anything else. But what happened to the part of Chaos after it was burried? At some point in time, no one knows exactly when, Chaos became gigantic and its stone cage was errupted. The Chaos was unleashed and this was the moment the God Levar came to be. He is considered a son of Novirath by many, but the God himself denies the truth of that claim.  


After the disposal of Chaos from his soul, Novirath's dogma became what it still is today. He is the god of light and he is considered by many to be the Protector of the seven kingdoms of Kena'an. His demands are straightforward and don't leave much room for interpretation. Novirath teaches the importance of loyalty, honor, justice, courage and truth. The Protector demands the full attention of his worshipers- especially his representatives such as clerics, paladins and inquisitors. He might be a kind and benevolent god but he can become trully vengeful and threatening to those of evil intentions. He has zero tolerance towards anarchy. His main goal is to cleanse Kena'an of its evil tendancies and reshape the world into the tranquil utopia it supposed to be.

Clergy and Temples

Novirath's temples are build to reflect a noble spirit. There are numerous such buildings all over the world, but the center of Novirath's worshiping lies in Keraian and specifically the capital city of Thandor. His clergy follows a strict program and has a very specific- almost militaristic- structure. Every order is approved and promoted by one man who bares the title of The Seraph. The Chain of command is clear and respect is demanded. Before his clerics, Novirath appreciates his holy warriors even more. This is why the paladin order of Novirath's religion is renowned accross all Kena'an.  


Since Novirath is the Creator of Kena'an he is closely in touch with most of the Gods in the world's Pantheon. The most compicated relationship of his is of course with his brother Haestrom. Novirath grew bitter when his brother disappeared, but when he resurfaced he was ready to forgive him and accept him back. But Haestrom didn't return in peace. As the matter of fact his arrival signed the darkest era in the history of Kena'an which ended with the Great War of the Gods called The Purification. Haestrom's army came to destroy and claim Kena'an as his own realm, so Novirath had to fight back. And so he did. He banished his brother and won the war. Yet he still hopes at some point, his brother will see the error of his ways and return asking for forgiveness. Even though the Protector never had "romantic" relationships with any of the other deities, he still has many children. His firstborn is the god Sadorian. The Soul of the Earth, as this god is known to the mortals, was Novirath's first attempt to create some form of sentient life- before the human race. Next are the twin sisters Siona and Zinxa. Novirath created these angels of death to help the souls of the dead to reach their afterlife. Finally, the younger and last child of Novirath is the god Levar, who was created by the discarded chaos part of Novirath. Of course Novirath opposes all the evil deities that corrupts the pantheon. Thankfully, in the face of fellow gods he had found valuable allies. The most important of all is the god Ondrul with whom Novirath shares a lot common beliefs.
  • Symbol: The grasp of the sword of light
  • Home Plane: The Sun
  • Titles: The Protector, The Luminous one, The God, The One, The Father
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Portfolio: War, Humans, Honor, Courage, Light, Protection, Justice
  • Worshipers: Paladins, Soldiers, Knights, Humans, Aristocrats, Fighters
  • Cleric Alignments: LN, NG, LG
  • Domains: Good, Law, Sun, Nobility, Glory
  • Sub domains: Day, Light, Judgement, Honor, Legend, Aristocracy, Leadership
  • Favorite Weapon: Longsword
  • Sacred Animal: Lion
  • Sacred Colors: Gold, White
Divine Classification
Greater God
All the images used are AI generated by the author, unless otherwise stated.

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