
General Information

Silanthas, known as the Restless Traveler, the Wise Man, and the Elder, is a deity revered by those who traverse the roads and engage in trade across Kenaan. As a god who values wisdom, truth, and the neutrality of all things, he embodies the spirit of the journey, both literal and metaphorical. His influence extends over bards, merchants, adventurers, and travelers, making him one of the most widely worshiped deities among those who seek fortune and knowledge. Silanthas is one of the few gods who frequently walks among mortals, often in disguise, testing their character and rewarding those who demonstrate kindness and wisdom.



Silanthas is the son of Ephelion, the god of arts and love, and Siona, the goddess of death and magic. At birth, he was renowned for his unparalleled beauty, rivaling even that of his grandmother, Verana, the Lady of Dreams. However, Verana, unable to accept his illegitimacy, sought to destroy him. In an act of desperation and love, Siona transformed her son’s appearance, masking his beauty and sending him away to wander the world. Ever since, Silanthas has traveled endlessly, evading Verana’s wrath and longing for the day he can finally return to his home on the moon.



Silanthas typically manifests on the material plane as a solitary elder traveler, wielding a staff crafted from rare white oak. His appearance is deliberately unassuming, often taking the form of a blind, disheveled old man, with a hideous exterior meant to test the hearts of those he encounters. Despite this guise, his presence exudes a deep wisdom and hidden power, recognizable to those attuned to the divine.



Silanthas is the protector of roads, trade, and honest commerce. He values the truth and the integrity of the journey, both in a physical and spiritual sense. His followers are expected to honor their word and approach their travels and dealings with fairness and respect. He despises deceit when it is used for selfish gain, and he rewards those who show kindness, hospitality, and wisdom during their journeys. Silanthas promotes a philosophy of neutrality, urging his followers to understand all sides of a situation before passing judgment. Small offerings to Silanthas can secure his favor, while indifference or dishonesty may incur his wrath.


Clergy and Temples

The clerics of Silanthas are gentle and reserved, embodying the virtues of their god through their actions and words. They come from all races and backgrounds, united by their dedication to guiding travelers, promoting trade, and spreading wisdom. Temples dedicated to Silanthas are typically found in large cities or bustling trade centers, serving as places of refuge and guidance for merchants and adventurers alike. These temples are modest in design, yet they are constructed from the finest materials available, symbolizing the value of quality over grandeur. Additionally, numerous small shrines dedicated to Silanthas can be found along major roads and crossroads, providing solace and protection to those on long journeys.


Levar's Tricks

Levar holds a grudge against Silanthas since he and Lilyore came too close, too quickly. The Trickster is jealous of the interest her beloved Goddess shows to Silanthas and while he knows she respects him for saving her soul, he also understands that she will never love him the way she loves Silanthas. For that reason, Levar enjoys playing every kinds of tricks to Silanthas just to mess with him. Here are some examples.


Levar's first trick involved a grand and ancient trade route known as the Silver Path which is located in Myltery. This route was vital for merchants and travelers, and Silanthas took great pride in protecting it. Levar, however, sought to disrupt the flow of commerce and cause chaos.

Disguised as a weary traveler, Levar approached Silanthas and spoke of a new, shorter path that could revolutionize trade. The Trickster praised the god of travel, saying only he had the wisdom and power to guide mortals to this miraculous road. Flattered by the praise and eager to aid his followers, Silanthas agreed to bless the new path.

However, Levar had created the path with dark illusions and shifting landscapes. Once merchants and travelers began using it, they found themselves hopelessly lost, wandering in circles or being led into dangerous territories. Silanthas, horrified by the trap, tried to undo the damage, but the curse was too deeply rooted. The Veiled Road remains a dangerous and unpredictable route, a constant reminder of Levar's cunning and Silanthas's misplaced trust.


In another scheme, Levar decided to target Silanthas’s domain over trade and commerce directly. He whispered into the dreams of a powerful merchant prince, promising untold wealth if he could transport a mysterious cargo across the continent. The prince, eager for riches, sought the blessing of Silanthas for his journey.

Silanthas, seeing no harm in aiding a mortal’s ambition, granted the prince his blessing, ensuring safe passage and prosperity. However, Levar had placed a curse on the cargo itself. Every night, as the caravan rested, the cargo would vanish without a trace, only to reappear miles away from its original location, in a completely different direction.

The merchant and his guards were driven to madness as they chased their elusive goods across the land, never able to reach their destination. Word spread of the cursed cargo, and many traders began to doubt the protection Silanthas could offer. Silanthas, deeply embarrassed and frustrated, eventually discovered the curse but could do nothing to reverse it. The incident created a wave of distrust among traders and travelers, furthering Levar’s goal of spreading chaos and discord.



Silanthas holds complex relationships within the Pantheon, shaped by his origins and experiences. His closest bond is with his mother, Siona, who fiercely protected him from his grandmother Verana’s wrath by altering his appearance and sending him away. While Silanthas harbors deep love and gratitude for Siona, he remains distant from Verana, whose relentless pursuit has kept him on the run for centuries.

Silanthas is also inextricably linked with his father, Ephelion, sharing a love of travel and stories, though their interactions are often brief due to Silanthas's constant wandering. His neutrality and quest for balance place him at odds with Haestrom, whom he views as too rigid and unyielding in his pursuit of order and the same goes for his relationship with Novirath.

Additionally, Silanthas has been twice deceived by Levar, the Trickster God, which has fostered a deep sense of mistrust. Levar's tricks have not only endangered Silanthas but also disrupted the balance he strives to maintain. Despite this, Silanthas remains ever-watchful, continuing his eternal journey across Kena'an, seeking wisdom and truth while evading the dangers that threaten his peace.

Finally, Silanthas shares a special bond with the Goddess of joy, Lilyore. Her mortal origins makes her the only god that understands Silanthas' troubles to the material plane. On the same time, Silanthas appreciates the company of Lilyore. Her humor and caring personality is a very welcomed break from Silanthas' troubles. The two of them have a platonic, yet important romantic relationship- something that annoys Levar quite a lot.

  • Symbol: A white oak stick
  • Titles: The Restless Traveler, The Wise Man, The Elder
  • Home Plane: The Moon
  • Alignment: Neutral
  • Portfolio: Bards, Roads, Trade, Travel, Truth, Wisdom, Commerce
  • Worshipers: Merchants, Adventurers, Bards
  • Cleric Alignments: NG, NE, LN, CN, N
  • Domains: Travel, Luck, Protection, Weather
  • Sub domains: Seasons, Trade, Exploration
  • Favorite Weapon: Quarterstaff
  • Sacred Animal: Crow
  • Sacred Colors: Gray, Brown
All the images used are AI generated by the author, unless otherwise stated.

Cover image: by BergionStyle


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