
General Information

Ondrul, known as the Great Blacksmith and the God of Creation, is the creator of the dwarven race and one of the greater deities of the Pantheon. His home plane, a demi-plane of his own design called The Forge, is where he continues his work, shaping both metal and destiny. When Ondrul appears on the material plane, he takes the form of an elder blacksmith, wielding his legendary waraxe, The Mountaintop Warlord. His worship is widespread across Kena'an, revered not only by dwarves but also by those who value honor, strength, and craftsmanship.



Ondrul is said to have forged himself from the earth. According to ancient legend, in time immemorial, deep within the mountains of Louthiran, a perfect gem was formed. After a catastrophic earthquake, the gem emerged from the earth’s depths and rested atop the highest peak for eras, untouched and unreachable. Over time, the elements forged the gem into the shape of a waraxe. From this waraxe, Ondrul awoke, creating his divine form from the gem’s essence. With the remains of the gem, he forged the first dwarves and breathed life into them, establishing them as the first inhabitants of Kena'an.



When Ondrul manifests in the material world, he does so as an elder blacksmith of immense stature and strength, his skin bearing the hues of earth and stone. He is always seen wielding The Mountaintop Warlord, a massive waraxe forged from the same gem that created him. His form radiates the heat of a forge, with sparks often dancing in his beard and eyes like glowing embers. His presence is as solid and unyielding as the mountains he emerged from.  


Ondrul is a god of creation, honor, strength, and enduring craftsmanship. He demands loyalty, courage, and truth from his followers and is known for his strict and uncompromising nature. Betrayal is an unforgivable sin in his eyes, especially among his own creations. Ondrul values creations meant to last for millennia, teaching that true strength comes from steadfastness and integrity. He is the sworn enemy of orcs, giants, and gray dwarves, having once led his people to cleanse their lands of these hated foes.


The Creation of Ukdrus

Ondrul’s most painful lesson was the creation of his son. Ondrul seached the land for many years, searching for the strongest and most perfect material he could find, when he stumbled upon the famed Onyx Luna. He used the black material to craft his most prized creation- his child. But Ukdrus was nothing like the Great Blacksmith expected. He turned out to be envious and destructive, ultimately betraying his father by allying with Unnur, the creator of the orcs, in a bid to usurp Ondrul’s place.


Clergy and Temples

Ondrul’s worship is widespread throughout Kena'an, and his followers include not just dwarves, but any who value honor and strength. His clerics are known for their strictness, loyalty, and martial prowess. They are often leaders in their communities, playing key roles in the defense and expansion of their kingdoms. Ondrul’s temples are grand and imposing, often built into the mountains themselves. Richly adorned with precious metals and stones, each temple contains a central shrine in the shape of a great anvil where his clerics preach and conduct their rites. These clerics are more than just spiritual leaders; they are warlords and master craftsmen, as their god demands.



Ondrul’s relationships with the other gods are marked by a mixture of rivalry, enmity, and a deep sense of duty. His greatest foe is his own son, Ukdrus, whose betrayal and alliance with Unnur is a constant source of grief and anger. This enmity extends to Unnur himself, who represents everything Ondrul despises.

Ondrul’s relationship with Novirath, the Protector, is one of mutual respect, though strained by their different approaches to creation and order. Yet, Ondrul still remains the Protector's most valued ally in the war against his brother Haestrom, since The Purification era.

Ondrul’s connection to Ephelion, the god of arts and love, is somewhat distant, as Ondrul’s focus on durability and honor contrasts with the Owl's emphasis on beauty and passion. Yet, there is an underlying respect between the two.

  • Symbol: Odrul’s Waraxe
  • Titles: The Great Blacksmith, The Anvil Master
  • Home Plane: The Forge
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Portfolio: Dwarves, Blacksmithing, Creation, Engineering, Mines, Architecture
  • Worshipers: Dwarves, Fighters, Masons, Miners, Master Crafters
  • Cleric Alignments: LN, LG, NG
  • Domains: Good, Protection, Strength, Artifice, Glory
  • Sub domains: Resolve, Honor, Heroism, Defense, Fortifications
  • Favorite Weapon: Dwarven Waraxe
  • Sacred Animal: Badger
  • Sacred Colors: Gold, Brown
Divine Classification
Greater God
All the images used are AI generated by the author, unless otherwise stated.


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