
Every heartbit, a poem; every touch, a masterpiece

General Information

Ephelion, known as the Crescent Lord, is a Greater God within the pantheon of Kena'an. He stands as the divine protector of the arts, magic, and the elven race, and is deeply associated with the principles of love, inspiration, and freedom. Ephelion's connection to war is less conventional, focusing more on the struggle for liberation and the defense of artistic expression against tyranny. His symbol, the Red Moon of Zolirak, is a potent representation of his watchful presence over the world, particularly over his elven children and those who dedicate their lives to the pursuit of beauty and self-expression.


Ephelion is one of the earliest gods to emerge in Kena'an, born from the first dream ever dreamt by his mother, Verana, the Goddess of Prophecies and Dreams. His creation marked the birth of inspiration and love in the world, and he soon became a central figure in the celestial hierarchy. Ephelion created the elves, a race designed to embody his ideals of beauty and art. He blessed them with an extended lifespan so they could not only create but also preserve and evolve their art over millennia. Ephelion's association with love began when he met Siona, the Goddess of Death and Magic. Their love story, though fraught with difficulties, brought the concept of romantic love to the mortal realm. Their union eventually produced Silanthas, the God of Travel and Trade, further intertwining their destinies and shaping the divine landscape of Kena'an.


Ephelion is usually depicted as an imposing, ethereal figure, often shrouded in an otherworldly red hood that hides his face, symbolizing the mystery and depth of his influence. He often appears as a male elven warrior when visiting the material plane, wielding a longbow and a beautifully crafted longsword, symbolizing his dual aspects of creation and protection. His sacred animal, the owl, represents wisdom and vigilance, and often accompanies him as a symbol of his watchful protection over the elven race and those who dedicate their lives to art and magic. Ephelion’s attire and iconography frequently include silver and red, his sacred colors, representing the light of inspiration and the passion of creation. Around his neck, Ephelion wears a silver chain bearing an amulet of Onyx Luna, a mysterious black material that glows faintly under the light of the moon. This amulet is said to contain a fragment of the first dream that brought him into existence.

The Red Moon of Zolirak

One of the most mysterious phenomena in Kena'an is the appearance of the Red Moon over the region of Zolirak. Every 24 days, during the full moon, the celestial object takes on a crimson hue, visible only in the skies above Zolirak. This event is widely believed to signify the moment when Ephelion turns his gaze upon the material plane, particularly to watch over his elven children and ensure their safety. The Red Moon is seen as a time of heightened creativity and passion, during which artists and lovers are especially inspired.


Ephelion is the divine patron of the arts and inspiration, representing the creative spark that elevates the mundane into the sublime. He teaches that art is a path to enlightenment and that every act of creation is a small piece of heaven brought to the material world. Ephelion also embodies the ideals of love and passion, blessing unions and affairs with his favor. Ephelion’s kindness and thoughtfulness are legendary, but he is also known for his vengeful side when betrayed. Ephelion embodies the ideals of freedom, self-realization, and the relentless pursuit of artistic expression. His followers are encouraged to embrace their creative passions, to fight for their freedom and the freedom of others, and to foster deep, meaningful relationships. Ephelion’s connection to war is rooted in his belief that true art and creativity can only flourish in a world free from tyranny. He blesses those who fight to defend these ideals, guiding them with wisdom and inspiring them with the courage to stand against oppression.

Clergy and Temples

The temples dedicated to Ephelion are architectural marvels, reflecting the beauty and artistry he so cherishes. These structures are elegant, fragile, and often adorned with stained glass windows, silver, and marble. Many of his larger temples, especially those in Zolirak, double as bardic colleges where the arts are taught and perfected.Every temple of Ephelion, from the simplest shrine to the grandest cathedral, is filled with music, ensuring that the Crescent Lord’s presence is always near.

His clergy, who come from all races and genders, wear robes of dark red and silver, symbolizing the blood of inspiration and the light of the moon. Owls, his sacred animals, are often seen in or around these temples, serving as guardians and symbols of Ephelion’s ever-watchful presence.



Verana, the Goddess of Prophecies and Dreams, is Ephelion's mother. According to lore, he was born from the first dream Verana ever dreamt, a vision so powerful and beautiful that she brought it to life. Verana's deep love for her son was overshadowed by her disapproval of his relationship with Siona and the birth of their son, Silanthas. She sees their union as an affront to the natural order and has vowed to destroy Silanthas, which has created a significant rift between her and Ephelion. Despite their differences, Ephelion continues to seek reconciliation with his mother, hoping to convince her to accept his choices and his son.

Ephelion's relationship with Siona, the Goddess of Death and Magic, is one of the most complex and passionate in the pantheon. Their love, though challenged by their opposing domains, has endured over time and distance. Ephelion’s association with creation and life contrasts sharply with Siona’s ties to he Underworld and death, yet their love story is one of deep mutual respect and understanding. Together, they have a son, Silanthas, whose existence has only deepened their bond. However, their relationship is not without its challenges, particularly given Verana’s disapproval and the constant demands of their divine duties.

Silanthas, the God of Travel and Trade, is the son of Ephelion and Siona. Ephelion loves his son dearly and sees in him the potential to bridge the gap between life and death, creation and destruction. Silanthas represents the best of both his parents, embodying Ephelion’s creativity and Siona’s wisdom. However, Silanthas' birth has strained Ephelion’s relationship with his mother, Verana, who sees Silanthas as an abomination. Despite this, Ephelion remains fiercely protective of his son, often intervening to shield him from Verana’s wrath.

Ephelion shares a unique bond with Levar, the trickster god. While many gods find Levar’s antics frustrating, Ephelion appreciates the creativity and spontaneity that Levar brings to the world. Their friendship is built on a mutual love of beauty and art, with Levar often serving as a source of inspiration for Ephelion’s creations. Ephelion’s openness to Levar’s chaotic influence has allowed him to see the value in unpredictability and change, which he incorporates into his understanding of art and love.

Ephelion holds deep respect and admiration for Lilyore, the Goddess of Joy and Diplomacy. He is intrigued by her intuitive understanding of mortals and her ability to foster harmony and love among them. Lilyore’s influence complements Ephelion’s own, as both gods seek to inspire and uplift those who worship them. Their interactions are marked by a deep mutual understanding and a shared commitment to spreading joy and beauty throughout Kena'an.

Haestrom, the Frozen God of Tyranny and Sin, is Ephelion’s greatest enemy. The two gods have been at odds since the era of The Purification, when Ephelion aligned with Novirath, the God of Light and Valor, in a crusade against Haestrom’s oppressive rule. Ephelion sees Haestrom as the antithesis of everything he stands for—where Ephelion champions love, beauty, and freedom, Haestrom embodies tyranny, sin, and the crushing weight of order. Their enmity is profound, and Ephelion remains vigilant against Haestrom’s attempts to extend his influence over Kena'an.

Ephelion's alliance with Novirath, is rooted in their shared opposition to Haestrom. During the era of The Purification, the two gods stood side by side in their battle against the forces of tyranny and darkness. Though their domains differ—Novirath being more focused on valor and righteousness, while Ephelion embodies love and inspiration—their goals often align, particularly in their desire to protect the world from malevolent forces. Novirath respects Ephelion's passion and creativity, and the two share a bond of mutual respect and camaraderie.


  • The Festival of Blossoms: Held during the first full moon of spring, the Festival of Blossoms is a celebration of love and creativity. It is a time for music, dance, and the exchange of artistic creations, with Ephelion’s blessing said to be strongest during this festival.

  • The Night of Inspiration: Occurring under the light of the Red Moon, the Night of Inspiration is a sacred time for artists and lovers. Ephelion is believed to walk among his followers, whispering ideas and passions into their hearts. Temples are filled with music and light, and those seeking inspiration are encouraged to participate.

  • The Lover’s Vigil: On the eve of the summer solstice, followers of Ephelion hold the Lover’s Vigil, a night of reflection and prayer. Couples and artists seek Ephelion’s guidance in matters of the heart or in their creative pursuits, often culminating in the creation of new art or the reaffirmation of love.

  • Symbol: The Red Moon of Zolirak
  • Titles: The Crescent Lord, The Owl
  • Home Plane: The Moon
  • Alignment: CG
  • Portfolio: Elves, Magic, Crafts and Arts, Music, War
  • Worshipers: Elves, Half elves, Bards, Spell Casters, Artists
  • Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
  • Domains: Good, Healing, Liberation, Nobility
  • Sub domains: Leadership, Freedom, Self-Realization, Revolution, Friendship, Restoration
  • Favorite Weapon: Long bow
  • Sacred Animal: Owl
  • Sacred Colors: Silver, Red
Divine Classification
Greater God
Cleric of the Crescent Lord
All the images used are AI generated by the author, unless otherwise stated.

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